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CHDAILY.comArchives Jan 12, 2025 | Last Updated: 04:05 AM EST

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Rachael Lee

A Time to Speak

White and African American Pastors Join in Conversation about Issues of Race, and How the Church Can Help


Though it’s been close to four months since the time that Michael Brown was killed during a confrontation with former police officer Darren Wilson, the effect of the incident still remains a sensitive, open wound to many. And this sensitivity only manifests the fact that, almost fifty years after the end of the Civil Rights Movement, tensions, hurts, misunderstandings, and bitterness in race relations are still unresolved.READ MORE

Taliban Kills at Least 132 School Children in Pakistan


Members of the Taliban, a militant extremist group in Pakistan, opened fire at a school in Peshawar on Tuesday, leading to the deaths of at least 132 students and nine staff members. 121 students and three staff members are injured and receiving treatment. Nine militants, who were armed with suicide vests, were also killed in the incident.READ MORE


Church Leaders to Engage in Conversation Regarding Race after Michael Brown and Eric Garner Incidents


After two officers were not indicted in their involvement in the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, protests were sparked across the nation, and comments of frustration and anger were prevalent throughout discussions on social media and mainstream media. 11 church leaders decided that it’s time to speak out about how Christians should go about processing these recent racially-charged events.READ MORE


Research Shows Americans Prefer Keeping Christmas More about Jesus


Though it may seem that the ways Americans are celebrating Christmas are drifting farther away from the holiday’s religious roots, a recent study by LifeWay Research found that most Americans prefer to keep the holiday religious.READ MORE

Zion christmas2

Church Celebrates Its Diversity in Cultures and Unity in Christ


Zion Lutheran Church, located in Belleville, IL, has already begun celebrating Christmas with its special Christmas meeting on December 9 for the Korean and American women in the church congregation. In this bi-cultural celebration, women from two different cultures and backgrounds were able to come together to celebrate the diversity in their different cultures with members of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML).READ MORE

MIM billboard

Morality in Media Joined by Other Religious Groups to Pray Against Effects of Pornography


Morality in Media, a non-profit organization that actively speaks out against pornography and other indecent content in the media, was joined by numerous other religious organizations in hosting a “National Day of Prayer to Strengthen the Fight against Pornography and Sexual Exploitation” on December 9.READ MORE

Grace Yoo

Grace Yoo Starts Campaign for LA City Council


Grace Yoo, the former executive director of the Korean American Coalition, is now running for Los Angeles City Council District 10, and has successfully put in her nomination bid in early December for the March primary, pitting her against Delaney Smith and incumbent Councilmember Herb Wesson, who is running for re-election.READ MORE

Rhee Campaign

Koreans Start Campaign for the Release of Ronald Rhee from Imprisonment


Various Korean activists have started a campaign to gather signatures and rally for the release of Ronald Rhee, a Korean American who had been imprisoned for the past four and a half years. Rhee, 25, had been arrested and imprisoned on the allegations that he had been involved in a murder with an Asian gang. However, Rhee’s supporters argue that these are false allegations.READ MORE

Pastor Steve Chang

Interview with Pastor Steve Chang: “Churches Should Be Encouraged by Their Strengths”


In the discussion on how the Korean church should operate, there are many different perspectives on what the best model could be. Some may say that an independent, English-speaking, Korean American church is the best model. Others might argue that, going even further, a church that reflects the multi-ethnic community around the church is more important. Pastor Steve Chang is the lead pastor of Living Hope Community Church, an independent church in Brea, CA with a large Korean-American and Asian-American attendance.READ MORE

Koreatown Redistricting

Grace Yoo Resigns as Executive Director of Korean American Coalition, and Looks Ahead to City Council


On December 3, Grace Yoo, former executive director of the Korean American Coalition, has resigned from her leadership position. Yoo filed a nominating petition on the same day to be a candidate for the Los Angeles City Council, specifically for District 10, for the election on March 3, 2015. During the time that Yoo was the executive director, she has had a significant impact in the work that KAC was able to accomplish. KAC helped to create Los Angeles Police Department’s Olympic Community Police Station, which served to protect Koreatown and meet the needs of the Koreatown community.READ MORE

Miracle Terrace

Almost 200 Elderly Saved from Near-Homelessness Right Before Thanksgiving


There are millions of individuals and families struggling with low-income in the U.S., and a majority of those are of ethnic minority groups. Looking for affordable housing, especially for those who are not fluent in English, may seem an overwhelming challenge. However, when a team in the community works together to advocate for the housing needs of individuals with low-income, change can happen. With the united effort of residents, attorneys, and a church, up to 200 elderly tenants were saved from near homelessness this holiday season.READ MORE

SoCal Turkey Bowl

Southern California Churches Give Thanks – and Play Some Friendly Football


Churches across the nation cut turkey and gave thanks this past Thanksgiving week, but once Thanksgiving was over, many also shook off their food coma to compete at Turkey Bowl during the weekend. A spin off of the Super Bowl, groups of churches in similar regions gather together in this annual competitive event to play football...READ MORE

Bong Rin Ro

Missionaries and Churches Must Focus Efforts in Building Leaders in Asian Countries


Though about 4.5 billion live in the continent of Asia, it remains today as one of the continents in which the people are hardest to reach. There are certain countries, including South Korea, Singapore, Japan, and the Philippines, in which the gospel can be freely preached and Christianity can be freely practiced, but in other nations, including Afghanistan, North Korea, Iran, and Turkey, sharing the gospel or being a Christian means risking one’s life. How can a minority group of Christians share the gospel in the large continent of Asia?READ MORE

Glocal Church Summit

'Glocal' Church Summit Challenges Church to Move Away from Traditional Ways of Outreach


Jesus gave the Great Commission as his last command before his ascent into heaven, and during his life on earth, emphasized that the greatest commandments are to love God, and to love our neighbors. As such, the church prioritizes and heavily focuses on missions, and has attempted throughout the years to think in new ways about how better the church can obey this significant command.READ MORE

Shepherd University2

"We Want to Make Our Students More Like Jesus"


“… to educate men and women to be the leaders to serve the church and to improve the world through the excellent programs of Christian higher education.” Such is the mission statement of Shepherd University. During a time in which standards in secular higher education are starting to move farther away from Biblical standards...READ MORE

Editor's Picks

  • First “Global Assembly” Of An Atheist Church

    The Sunday Assembly, also known as the “Atheist Church”, based in the United Kingdom is scheduled to have its first global assembly. The “church” is also known to have a branch and ...

    World May 06, 2014 02:34 AM EDT
  • North Korea: U.S. Missionaries Responsible for Human Trafficking

    The leaders of the DPRK have been making very strong statements regarding human rights. A representative from the North Korean government has stated in a speech that the U.S. is a ‘living ...

    World May 08, 2014 03:08 AM EDT

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