Gospel Night
(Photo : Yongtae Kim (Christianity Daily))
A KCCC LA student leader sharing his life testimony with Mongolian students

The Friday on the 13th June, was the day all the members of the KCCC LA Mongolia mission team were waiting for. This was the day the missionaries were planning to officially share about the Gospel of Christ with the Mongolian college students with whom they have been having English class and fellowship for the previous two weeks.

The staff of MCCC or Campus Life had planned an event called “Gospel Night” in order to effectively share the Good News with the students without offending them or catching them off guard. The event started as if it were an ordinary fellowship at the MCCC Student Center. First, a Mongolian key student who was serving with the LA team would host some group games to obtain the students’ attention as well as to entertain them before the more important sharing time.

After about an hour of games and fun activities, the students were divided into several groups. Each group was led by one or two LA students and one MCCC student leader to help with translation if necessary. As a group they used a tool called “Solarium”, Cru’s official evangelist tool. This was a set of images and a list of questions to ask and share responses with each other and sharing the faith with new believers.

Many of the younger members of the team expressed concerns about evangelizing. For many, it was their first time ever sharing their faith with strangers as well as using Campus Crusade’s Gospel tracks. However, no member of the team hesitated to share their life testimonies or talk about how Christ in their lives with their non-believing and even some atheist students.

At the end of the day, the MCCC students asked the students who showed up at the Gospel Night to fill out a card to find out about their reactions to the event. After going through the cards the students had filled out, Ganbattur, the leader of the MCCC team announced that 10 if the 25 students who showed up expressed that they wanted to accept Christ as their Savior and Lord while 22 of them expressed the desire to learn more about God.

Read more of our coverage on the Mongolia mission trip:
Project Friendship Part 1
Project Friendship Part 2
Project Friendship Part 3
Project Friendship Part 4
Project Friendship Part 5
Project Friendship Part 6
Project Friendship Part 7
Project Friendship Part 8
Project Friendship Part 9