It has been reported by eyewitnesses that Muslim women who are sympathetic to the cause of the ISIS or Islamic State in Iraq and Syria are offering up their bodies to the militants to provide “sexual Jihad” for the militants.

The Malaysian Insider, after interviewing several senior intelligence officials that at least three Malaysian women had traveled to the Middle East to join the Islamic State as Sexual Jihads. They explained that the practice first began in 2013 when a Wahhabi called for Muslim women to offer themselves to the militants to boost their confidence in their battle against the Iraqi and Syrian governments.

The most recent Malaysian woman who left her home to join the ISIS for this very purpose left in December of 2013. However, it is not only from Malaysia that these women are traveling to join forces with the Islamic State. "Intelligence exchanged with other countries revealed that Sunni Muslim women from Australia and the United Kingdom had also joined up with ISIS," revealed a Malaysian senior intelligence officer.

The same official also explained that after the Islamic State occupied the town of Mosul in Iraq, the militants ordered the villagers to send their unmarried women to them for sex. One teenage girl from Syria was offered up to the ISIS for this sexual Jihad by her father described the experience as a brutal rape.

She explained how she was taking a shower when she was raped by several men who came in. Her father did not even try to stop them from taking his daughter and after being repeatedly raped the teenage girl eventually lost consciousness and fell ill. In the end she was rescued by Syrian soldiers when she had called for help at a checkpoint.

Muslim countries all over the world are making moves to make it known that the Islamic State is a threat to the rest of Islam. The world is under alert for fear of a global attack from the Islamic State because of the number of European and American and other Muslims from outside the Middle East who are traveling there to join the ISIS and fight for their cause. With their Western passports, there is the possibility of a direct global terrorist attack against the United States or Europe.