FA-18 On Deck of US Navy Carrier
(Photo : www.defense.com)
FA-18 On Deck of US Navy Carrier

Earlier this week, President Barrack Obama authorized American warplanes to unleash bombs on the Kurdish capital to detain the Islamic State forces (ISIS). The administration announced that the purpose of such airstrikes was to prevent further persecution of religious and ethnic minorities in Iraq. However, it is reported that the Jihadists in Iraq appear to be unfazed even after the bombings.

The airstrikes were carried out over the Kurdish city of Erbil. Pentagon insiders have revealed that two FA-18s have dropped 500-pound laser-guided bombs over the city. Around 200,000 civilians, many of them Christians are believed to have deserted their homes to avoid further persecution and genocide from the Islamic militants.

ISIS members who occupied a number of towns and villages that are heavily populated by Christians and other ethnic, religious minorities including Shabaks have told civilians that they should either convert to Islam or leave their homes or be killed. Leaders in the Iraq-Syria, both political and religious have called to the international community for humanitarian assistance. President Obama responded by saying, “Well, today America is coming to help.”

However, many government insiders are expressing that the crisis in Iraq will not be solved merely through military intervention. The Jihadists are continuing to occupy towns and villages despite the threat of American intervention. One Jihad had this to say in response to the recent bombing of Ebril, "The planes attack positions they think are strategic, but this is not how we operate. We are trained for guerrilla street war," the unnamed fighter said. "Allah is with us and our promise is heaven. When we are promised heaven, do you think death will stop us?"

Many Christians, Yazidis and Shabaks are on the run towards other Kurdish towns where they were offered refuge. However, many are believed to have died due to the harsh conditions of the desert.