The first wave of teams of student short term missionaries of Korea Campus Crusade for Christ (KCCC) now has less than three weeks until the day of departure from Los Angeles to their respective mission fields; East Asia, Mongolia, and Japan. The team that will be working in Mongolia this summer has been working on a method of raising funds for this project with Mothers’ Day in mind.

The seven students and one full-time KCCC staff who make up the Mongolia team (team #3) gathered together at a local church in Cypress, California to make chocolate-covered strawberries, a very popular gift shoppers tend to purchase for this special day.

The night before, the student missionaries bought hundreds of strawberries directly from a produce market in Southern California, along with white and dark cooking chocolate and containers. After a quick breakfast, the students all sat around tables in the church cafeteria and cleaned, dipped and drizzled the strawberries with white chocolate.

Weeks before they started making the strawberries, the members of team #3 promoted the event through various means including SNS, telephone and advertisements at their own respective churches. Because the strawberries were directly purchased through a produce market, the finished products were noticeably cheaper than those that are sold in candy stores.

Other KCCC mission teams have adopted similar and different ways to raise money to go on missions over the summer including yard sales, barbeque sales and even personal services. Many of the students from all the teams expressed great enthusiasm regarding these diverse fund raising activities because they felt that they trained and molded them to have the right heart and attitude as God’s messengers.

The first wave of KCCC mission teams will be leaving from Los Angeles International Airport on the 28th of May.