War in Ukraine

The Russian vs. Ukraine war has marked its first anniversary since the invasion of Russia in Ukraine. The majority have suffered big time, and the ongoing war still affects millions. Father Kirill Gorbunov expressed that most of the people in Ukraine are suffering due to the continuing war. He says there is no solution, even after a year of conflict.

On February 24, 2022, Russia began an invasion of Ukraine. At first, Russian forces were victorious in their advance, but the Ukrainian defenders were able to push back against attempts to take important cities like Kyiv. Additionally, the Ukrainians launched their counterattacks against Russian positions.

Spokesperson of Russian Bishops Says that the War Has no Solution in Sight

Father Kirill Gorbunov, vicar general of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of the Mother of God in Moscow, expressed his concern about the conflict in Ukraine, stating that he believes no solution is being proposed to end the conflict. According to the Catholic News Agency, people who come to him for guidance fear an uncertain future and feel disillusioned and angry toward those they hold responsible for the situation, including God and the Church.

The conflict has also caused disputes between those people in the community who have close relationships due to their different political views, leading to much suffering. The priest explained that mixed families, especially in the Catholic Church, have been affected by the conflict, with some members finding themselves on opposing sides of the front lines.

He stressed that this had caused a great deal of pain. Father Gorbunov added that the older generation of Russians, who grew up during the Soviet Union's existence, feel powerless in the face of the state and do not believe that social action can contribute to a peaceful solution.

Also Read: Pope Francis Calls for Peace, Offers Prayers for Mothers Who Have Lost Children in Ukraine-Russia Conflict 

1st Anniversary of the Russian Invasion in Ukraine

St. Mary, the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, recently held a moving vigil to mark the first anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. According to the shared article in Christianity Daily, the service began with the ringing of a bell, and church members passed out small Ukrainian flags. During the vigil, Michael Serdiuk spoke about the "365 days of war" and "365 days of terror", reminding attendees of the ongoing conflict's devastating impact.

The weekend saw multiple events organized in Michigan to support those affected by the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. These included demonstrations, collecting supplies, and celebrating Ukrainian heritage. Elizabeth Symonenko organized the vigil and highlighted Russia's long history of aggression towards Ukraine, including the devastating famine of 1932-33, which claimed the lives of millions of Ukrainians. She expressed frustration at the global community's failure to acknowledge these atrocities adequately.

As Ukraine marked the first anniversary of Russia's invasion, President Volodymyr Zelensky shared a message of optimism and resilience despite the ongoing conflict. According to the updates on CNN, President Zelensky declared 2023 the year of Ukraine's victory over Russia and expressed faith in the Ukrainian people's ability to withstand the attacks. However, he did not provide a timeline for when the conflict might end.

The global community also rallied behind Ukraine, with officials from around the world releasing statements supporting the country. As anxiety and determination filled the air in Ukrainian cities, people came together to commemorate the anniversary and show solidarity. Despite the ongoing violence and uncertainty, there was hope for a peaceful resolution.

Related Article: Southfield Church Hosts Solemn Prayer and Forum to Commemorate Ukraine War Anniversary