Pope Benedict XVI, born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, was the Pope of the Catholic Church from 2005 to 2013. He was the first pope to resign since Pope Gregory XII in 1415 and the first to do so on his initiative since Pope Celestine V in 1294. Pope Benedict XVI was known for his conservative stance on social issues and his strong emphasis on traditional Catholic doctrine.


Pope Benedict XVI's posthumous release of "What is Christianity" sparked a renewed interest in the late pontiff's thoughts and beliefs. The book, which offers a comprehensive examination of the fundamental principles of the Christian faith, has been praised for its clear and insightful analysis of complex theological concepts.

Furthermore, it is a powerful reminder of Pope Benedict XVI's enduring legacy as a leading voice in the Catholic Church and a profound thinker of our time.

New Book of the Late Pope Benedict XVI Gains Popularity

According to Christianity Daily, Pope Benedict XVI, also known as Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, was a towering figure in the Catholic Church. His passing on December 31, 2022, at the age of 95, is a significant loss. During his papacy from 2005 to 2013, he made a lasting impact on the Church through his defense of orthodoxy and his historic resignation, becoming the first Pope to do so in over 600 years.

He passed away peacefully at the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican, according to Vatican News. His death marks the end of an era in the Catholic Church, and his contributions and legacy will be remembered for many years.

In an article in the Pillar Catholic, the new book's chapter entitled "Religions and the Christian Faith," by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has been generating significant attention, not only due to its being the final writings of one of the most respected theologians of modern times but also because it reportedly gathers content that the late German Pope only wanted to be published after his death.

Also Read: Pope Benedict XVI Passes Away at 95, Remembered for His Defense of Orthodoxy and Historic Resignation

A Tool for Redemption and Peace

The book is said to have been written at the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery, his retirement residence in the Vatican Gardens, and was entrusted for publication to the Italian author Guerriero, who had previously written a biography of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and is known for his theological expertise.

The book contains essays on topics such as the nature and future of monotheism, the concept of the religions with which Christianity seeks to enter into dialogue, and the growing intolerance towards the Christian faith in Western societies.

According to America Magazine, The new version of the book and an additional essay titled "The Meaning of Communion" both emphasize the distinctions between the Catholic perception of the priesthood and the Lutheran perception of ministry and between the Catholic concept of the Mass and the Lutheran concept of the Lord's Supper.

The titles of the different chapters of Benedict XVI's book are a comprehensive teaching text and make people understand Christianity. From the history of how Christianity originated, what religion is, the elements of the Christian Religion, to the relationship between the Jews and Christians, sexual abuse inside the organization, topics of dogmatic theology, and the various anniversaries of occasional contributions of the late Pope.

The book is an all-in-one guide to Religion and understanding Christianity. This can be a great tool to fuel up the emptied spiritual vessels of people worldwide, especially right now. The world is facing a decline in the Christian Community and ongoing persecution of those practicing their faith. This book can serve as an eye-opener and a comprehensive guide toward peace and love.

Related Article: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Remembered by Thousands at Vatican