On Wednesday's House Judiciary Committee Hearing on "Abortion Care," United States Representative Mike Johnson exposed the unrestricted abortion stand of two pro-choice witnesses, who defied the truth and Science of human life.

C-Span said the House Judiciary Committee hearing is in line with the leaked draft opinion of the United States Supreme Court and aims to tackle abortion access and to see the consequences of overturning Roe v. Wade. Several witnesses for the pro-life and pro-choice movements were asked to testify during the said hearing.

But most notable during the hearing was the heated exchange between Representative Johnson and two pro-choice witnesses: Dr. Yashica Robinson and Aimee Arrambide. Advance Local highlighted that Robinson is an OBGYN from Alabama where she operates three abortion clinics. Johnson is also an Alabama Women's Center for Reproductive Alternatives Medical Director and a Physicians for Reproductive Health board member.

On the other hand, Arrambide is from Texas where she is involved in various reproductive rights initiatives including Fund Texas Choice as its board secretary and We Testify as an abortion storyteller, as per Bustle.

A Heated Exchange With House Committee Witnesses

Johnson, in his opening speech, called the hearing's title an oxymoron and outrageous. He condemned the Democrats' brazen attempt to bully the Supreme Court from overturning Roe v. Wade, which he emphasized has already murdered 65 million children since 1973. Johnson called abortion an "invented right" and explained it was never mentioned in the Constitution, which favors and upholds the right to life. Yet, he pointed out that abortion is favored unrestrictedly by pro-choice activists such as those present as witnesses.

The Congressman then asked Robinson at what point she considers abortion no longer an option. He particularly raised that Robinson was asked first to testify because of her medical profession and public support for abortion at 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Robinson responded that pregnancy differs per person and is addressed with corresponding care. The Congressman cut in by presenting a situation of a woman giving birth who decided halfway to have an abortion, to ask if the doctor would support the patient's decision. Robinson refuted the situation given as theoretical. But Johnson pressed on stating it happens and questioned would she allow the abortion.

Also Read: Justice Clarence Thomas Reveals How Supreme Court Changed Following Draft Leak

Robinson said she can't fathom such a situation since she has never encountered one in her entire medical profession. She rebutted that it was like saying to the Congressman to imagine her daughter being raped when it has not happened.

In sensing that the doctor does not want to answer his question, Johnson directly asked Robinson when life begins.

"How does one qualify as fully human? What makes a human being?" Johnson asked instead.

"What makes a person a human being is them being born, number one. That's why we have birthdays," Robinson quickly responded. The doctor added that DNA gives the newborn autonomy to act and think.

Johnson responded that a newborn lacks the capacity to make conscious decisions. He then asked if infanticide is okay with the doctor, to which she responded no because it is illegal to do so. Robinson then shifted in saying that is not the issue of the hearing but abortion care.

But the representative ended the doctor's testimony by stating that he does not need to cite the many medical journals over the centuries that indicate and acknowledge life begins at conception and that the unborn child is a human being. This he stressed is beside the technological advancements in Science that show a fetus is not a clump of cells or a part of the mother's tissue but a separate human being complete with fully functioning parts and able to feel pain.

The Moral Issue Facing House Committee Witnesses

Frustrated at the first witness for not being factual according to Science and her medical profession, Johnson called in Arrambide to answer the same questions he raised to Robinson. Johnson highlighted that he would like to ask the activist who is unapologetically a supporter of unrestricted abortion. However, the only repeated answer Arrambide gave the Congressman was a memorized script.

"I trust people can and can not do with their bodies. Full stop," Arrambide responded each time.

Arrambide responded the same way when Johnson asked the difference between a two-year-old from a one-hour-old and from a child being birthed halfway in the uterus that a mother wants to be aborted.

"Wow, full stop indeed. And that describes right there what this is about. There is a legal issue here but underneath it, there is a moral issue," Johnson remarked.

Johnson went on to underscore that the moral issue is in conflict with the reality of science. He stressed that Arrambide's stand to terminate the life of an unborn child at any given time is frightening, which makes it right for the Supreme Court to really overturn Roe v. Wade.

Many applauded Johnson's handling of the witnesses. One is Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser who agreed in disbelief at the response of the witness that abortion is allowed even until birth--even while the baby is coming out. While Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts commended Johnson for a great job of exposing the evil of the radical Left.

Similarly, DC's Ethics and Public Policy Center President Ryan Anderson praised the representative for his good job. The United States House Republicans also condemned the Far-Left's radical abortion agenda and for wildly stepping out with the American people and the rest of the world. The party criticized Robinson's claims and underscored the truth regarding the humanity of the unborn child.

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