Hosts of the "Prophecy Pros" podcast, Jeff Kinley and Todd Hampson, recently revealed indications that the world is in the End Times, warning of the rapid growth of immorality in the society as Christians are threatened when speaking out the truth.

In a May 4 episode, the podcast pair said that, like Noah's time, the earth was now saturated with wickedness and still frequently "celebrated" by the public.

In today's culture, severe sexual immorality and ungodly behavior, according to Hampson and Kinley, are pervasive. They listed the LGBT movement, homosexual marriage, "evil" sorcery, and "extreme" violence as examples. They claimed that an increase in this form of wickedness and depravity, which is rampant in the western age, are all signals that the world is approaching the End Times.

Hampson highlighted how sin spread over the world after Adam and Eve. He depicted sin as a disease that spreads over the globe, resulting in death which is the cost of sin.

The Doom Of Civilization

Just like also in Noah's account, wherein people were "eating and drinking, marrying and giving into marriage" according to Matthew 24:38. Hampson said they were going about their daily routines without considering God. Sexual immorality, he said, at the time of Noah was prevalent since most people didn't consider God. Hampson also mentioned severe sexual depravity with no restraints in the days of Lot, which was against God's preordained norms.

Kinley said he learned of the undeniable link between Noah's time and today's drive for same-sex marriage from his study of the Bible and interactions with theologians and rabbis. They stated there's a chance it's an oral tradition passed down through Jewish leadership. "There were gay marriage contracts, homosexual marriage contracts written between couples, and those songs were composed for those weddings," Kinley said.

One Rabbi indicated that once homosexual marriage was condoned and celebrated, "Civilization has forfeited its right to exist." When he came to know this, he felt like a "cannonball hit him in the gut" since homosexual marriage has been legalized in America.

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Growing Hostility To Christians

Although Christians are to stand for truth, Hampson and Kinley agreed that there is a way for all believers to share what they feel on these issues because God has shown grief for individuals who live against His will throughout history.

Most people felt God was merely being righteous and almost stoic at times, but more than that, Kinley revealed that God feels sorrow. He remarked that the Holy Spirit might be grieved, using lines from Ephesians. It's a difficult situation, according to Hampson, because as much as Christians want to tell the truth in love, they must do so in a way that is compatible with today's culture, or else people will misunderstand it.

Men and women were created by God, they said. [He] formed people from the beginning as men and women, and ordered marriage. They emphasized that it's the enemy who has been perplexing every potential issue or everything that God has decreed, attempting to muddle things up and promote division, and so on.

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