Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Alice Cooper talked about his lifestyle changes after becoming a Christian and warned about how the devil could easily deceive people.

After becoming a Christian, he contemplated changing his name but his pastor advised him not to, The Christian Post reported. His pastor said, "Look where He (God) put you. What if you're Alice Cooper, but now you're following Christ. You're a rock star but you don't live the rock star life. Your lifestyle is now your testimony."

In his recent interview with The Times to promote his tour with The Cult, he shared his daily morning routine, "I'm up before the sun; 5 am is my time. Straight out of bed, make a cup of coffee, grab my Bible, then spend the next hour reading and praying. I read a couple of chapters a day - this is my 12th reading."

He said that reading the Bible and praying put him in a positive frame of mind. Then went on narrating, "[My] next job is making breakfast, which is my main meal of the day. Back in school, I was a middle-distance runner and we never used to eat straight before a race."

"I've kept the same philosophy. Stock up on calories early, then you've got the entire day to burn them off. I'm a full English kind of guy: bacon, eggs, sausages, the whole kaboodle," he added.

His secret for staying in good shape was playing golf six days a week. He said, "Eighteen holes is a lot of miles to cover and it's the main reason I'm still in pretty good shape at 74."

He also thanked his wife Sheryl for committing him to an asylum for treatment. He revealed, "This is my 39th year sober." He shared that he was never a mean drunk, recounting the memories of him with Jim Morrison, Keith Moon, and Jimi Hendrix. "I was the Dean Martin of rock'n'roll, always on this happy, golden buzz," he said.

"We thought we were gonna live forever, but then everybody started dying. I spent a lot of time with Jim Morrison and I don't think I ever saw him not drunk or high. On stage, he was an absolute professional, but nobody was surprised when he died," he added.

The Rock and Roll icon and his wife were blessed with three children, now all grown-ups giving them four grandkids. He said, "Being a dad changed everything for me. It gave me a reason to stay sober. On stage I was Alice but, after the show, I wanted to be Dad. That life was better than a life in the bottle."

He shared how he and his wife worked together. "Sheryl is also part of my touring show - she plays various characters like the Dead Bride and Madame Guillotine - so we're hardly ever apart." Then in the evenings, they have been working with a charity called "Solid Rock" where they set up places for any teenager that could come in and learn any instrument for free. He noted, "Music changed my life; hopefully, we can change a few more."

He ended his "a life in a day" by saying "People think of the Devil with horns and a pointy tail. Man, you are so far off the mark! The Devil is going to be the best-looking, smoothest-talking guy in the room. He's going to make you feel like a million bucks. But you better watch out because he's got a whole different set of plans for you."