Two good Samaritans went into action to help a couple escape a burning house around 10:40 a.m. last Sunday in Northeast Houston. The couple Maxine and Ernest Burnett, both in their 80's, were brought to the hospital yet the wife died while the husband was still being treated for smoke inhalation.

According to ABC News, the two men went to the neighborhood barber when they heard the man asking for help. "Heard the dude hollering and went down to help him," said one good Samaritan. "I saw him standing at the burglar bar. My barber pulled his truck down, put the chain on the burglar bar, and snatched him out.

However, he wasn't able to get the woman down of the house. He said "I tried to go in and get the wife. But the smoke and flames were too hot."

As the fire grew, witnesses said they couldn't do something until the Houston Fire Department arrived and retrieved the woman. The second man was saddened by the incident. He said, "At first, I was down. I was crying. I was doing everything. I was like, 'Man! On my birthday. Why on my birthday?' But I'm alright now," said the second good Samaritan.

Based on the report, they were able to rescue the man through the use of the barber truck.

Houston Fire Deputy Chief Douglas Harrison said "They had to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the time. I believe they got pulses back, is what I'm told. But she is in critical condition." According to him, the arson team has been investigating the reason behind the fire since the couple could not identify how the fire started.

"God just puts you in the right place at the right time," said one Samaritan describing their experience trying to save the couple.

Harrison praised the two men who remained to be anonymous. "They (the two good Samaritans) definitely stepped up and helped the problem. They didn't just sit back and watch," said Harrison.

Marcus Burnett, the son of the fire victim laments over the death of his beloved mother, a local news outlet reported. He said, "Right now, the family really wants to know what happened and what caused the fire. When I saw both of them yesterday, they were fine. We laughed and talked," Marcus said.

He was not at the place when the incident happened. He told the local news, "I came from church today and [people] called me and said I need to hurry up and come home because my mother and fathers' home is on fire." Then he rushed over to them to see his parents. Other family members spent the afternoon trying to retrieve pictures and other items from the house.

According to him, his mother and father had been married for 61 years. He described his mother as a good person, and he was going to miss her. He also confirmed that his father was already in a stable condition.