A director of a non-profit organization shared how to determine a false prophet by sharing the example of a minister who promotes abortion.

In his article on The Christian Post, David Closson, the director of Christian Ethics and Biblical Worldview at Family Research Council, argued that a person cannot be teaching the Word of God while supporting something that the Bible hates - eliminating the lives of defenseless unborn babies, citing Raphael Warnock, a Democrat senator who supports abortion but also serves as a Baptist pastor.

"...on the issue of abortion, the Bible is crystal clear... Thus, a 'pro-choice pastor' is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms... I believe the Bible's requirement of adherence to sound doctrine disqualifies anyone from true Gospel work who is fervently 'pro-choice,'" he wrote.

Closson shared that in addition to sponsoring the Women's Health Protection Act, Warnock also supports the Equality Act, a legislation widely opposed by religious leaders due to its threat on freedom of religion. Further, he revealed that the minister is a graduate of New York's Union Theological Seminary, a school with highly liberal theology. Thus Warnock's liberal views.

Though he said that he is not surprised about other liberal senators upholding abortion, the director is alarmed over Warnock's use of the term "pro-choice pastor."

Closson pointed out that a "pro-choice pastor" cannot be "biblically faithful," recalling the warning in Isaiah 5:20. He explained that in the verse, the people who are committing "intentional" sins are headed for "grief and consternation."

"This verse is relevant considering the heightened responsibility of pastors to provide sound teaching to their congregations," he added, sharing about Paul's directives to Titus about the qualifications of a pastor.

Given Warnock's actions, Closson said that the minister satisfies the Bible's description about false prophets, as stated in Matthew 7:15-16a.

"To use biblical imagery, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing," he also said.

"According to Jesus, false teachers will be recognized by their fruit. An obviously bad fruit is teaching that does not accord with sound doctrine. Moreover, using one's title and position of leadership in the church to provide cover for wickedness is surely a sign of rotten fruit," the director continued.

He went on to say that Christian leaders must be mindful of their "sacred duty" in leading the believers on analyzing the issues about abortion.

In conclusion, Closson reiterated the command of Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 which, he said, includes His teaching about the "value and dignity of human life."

"Thus, rather than follow Sen. Reverend Warnock's lead, faithful undershepherds must recommit themselves to the task at hand, which is not abortion advocacy but contending for the 'faith once for all delivered to the saints,'" he further stated, citing Jude 1:3.

In 2002, Warnock was reportedly arrested for interfering a police investigation over abuse claims at the summer camp operated by Douglas Memorial Community Church, the former congregation he served for five years in Baltimore. The camp was closed after a year due to health violations and failure to report child abuse cases. The minister eventually left the church in 2003 and later joined the Ebenezer Baptist Church in 2005.