Following the leading of God is essential for Christians to remain living in the right path. But with so many voices around people today, how can one determine that of God? A Christian author digs into the Bible and revealed a couple of ways in recognizing the voice of the LORD.

In his article on Charisma Magazine, Kyle Winkler, a pastor, author, and a mobile app creator, shared that God speaks to His people through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit communicates in various ways, such as through the Scriptures, a person, an event or through the mind.

However, the author argued that the devil also uses these mediums of communication to destroy the lives of people. Thus the relevance of distinguishing God's voice accurately.

Recalling the statement of Jesus to His disciples in John 14:26, Winkler declared that discerning the voice of the LORD lies in two keys.

First, the Name of the Holy Spirit.

Winkler stressed the importance of understanding the meaning of the name which Jesus called the Holy Spirit with - "the Advocate."

With this name, he said that the Holy Spirit can be described as "both helper and supporter." He added that the Greek word for "advocate," "parakletos," represents how the Holy Spirit works in the lives of God's people - acting as their "legal counsel."

"The implications of this are huge. Chiefly, a defense attorney never works to prove your guilt. And the Holy Spirit doesn't either," the author added.

The second key in identifying the voice of God is through the Holy Spirit's character.

"In the Spirit's defense of you, He's not like a sharp-tongued, unsympathetic attorney who just wants another win. No, Jesus described Him as 'My representative.' This means that everything the Spirit does or speaks in your life is an extension of Jesus' ministry and character," Winkler said.

He then explained the works of Jesus while on earth, which are only about doing good, as stated in Acts 10:38.

"With every page turn of the Gospels, we see that Jesus goes out of His way to touch the untouchables, speak to the unspeakables, forgive the unforgiveables and offer hope to the broken. He never once condemns, shames or belittles any struggler," he continued.

"As Jesus' representative, the Holy Spirit is just as good, helpful, healing and positive in His communication with you," the author emphasized.

With these determinants, Winkler contended that the Holy Spirit does not act like a teacher or a parent who punishes a child whenever he does wrong but Someone who defends a person instead.

"....the Holy Spirit is the God who is on your side, always working to prove your innocence in Christ. Every way He communicates with you will reflect that," he pointed out.

 In conclusion, Winkler cautioned against any voice that uses a person's failures, faults and imperfections to accuse or threaten him, saying that this is not the voice of God. Therefore, anything that "provokes condemnation, fear of retaliation or threat of punishment" should be dismissed.


While the author's message is clear, Christians must never forget that the Lord Jesus Himself said the Holy Spirit will guide believers into all truth (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit will always remind believers of what God has already spoken in His Word, and will guide Christ-followers into all that the Father wants. He will not contradict God's Word and speak lies contrary to what God already said in Scripture.

That said, believers should seek God's Word, and learn to shun anything that Scripture rejects, no matter how much it sounds "spiritual" or feels "good."