Lana Vawser, a prophetic revivalist and Bible teacher, shares God's word of hope for the oppressed.

An active member of the Australian Prophetic Council, Vawser's heart is on ministering to the global body of Christ.

In a December 27 article for Charisma Magazine, she shared a vision she received from the Lord in which He reportedly stated: "It's My resurrection power [that's] bringing forth your comeback."

In the vision, Vawser saw a large number of men and women who had been through a period of great shaking and breaking, and who had the impression that they had been "knocked out" or "disqualified." As a result, they have found themselves living in a constant battle against the strong urge to withdraw.

She also saw people whose hearts have been broken, too. Because they've been thrown around so much, they've become "disoriented, confused and hurt."

"I then saw Jesus step in," she explained. "The Light of the world shone His light into the crevices of hearts. I watched as His eyes were looking for the painful places. He was looking for the dry places. He was intentionally looking for the dead places. He was looking for the hidden places where people had withdrawn because of the intensity of the season they'd faced."

She then stood there and watched as the light and love of Jesus began to pour into people's hearts.

"I saw those dry and broken places healed and restored," she said. "I saw the disorientated places become places of deep revelation. I watched places of weariness become the places of a second wind and fresh breath. I watched the areas of the heart where many had felt misunderstood begin to receive the word of the Lord-that this was the season where they were being brought INTO CONTEXT."

As they were ushered into new life by the breath of God, the burdens of shame and condemnation were reportedly lifted from their shoulders.

"They were being ushered into a place of strength and wholeness, as His resurrection power was bringing forth and birthing their greatest COMEBACK."

Vawser also detailed the Lord's words in a three-paragraph statement, in which He promised their positioning as critical builders of His Kingdom at the most opportune time.

"The enemy has spent so long trying to muzzle these ones and disqualify them in what they carry, [but] that time is over," God reportedly said. "They are now arising in greater wholeness, power and strength, and My prophetic voice and wisdom will flow through their creativity and partnership with Me."

"It is truly time for them to take their place," He added. "They are taking their place, they are arising with their tribe and they are going forth to build with Me and in My way, not looking [to see] if it pleases man. But with eyes on Me, and building according to My way, [they] watch how My glory comes and the harvest comes."

Those who want to receive prophetic messages from God through Lana Vawser can follow her on Facebook.