California-based preacher Mario Murillo talked openly about what people thought of Joe Biden's public blunders, and what Christians should do about those who seem to control Biden.

"I do not believe Biden is in charge," Murillo wrote on December 28.

The reason for this, he said, is that anybody watching sees how Biden reads aloud everything on the teleprompter, including the punctuation marks. He was allegedly caught asking someone if he had said the "right thing" and that he has apologized, stating, "I better not say anymore."

Murillo said that the blunders are just too frequent and widespread to overlook.

He also cited the example of Jared Schmeck, a man who called to the annual holiday Santa tracking program run by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) on Friday. Schmeck also wished the President and Mrs. Biden a Merry Christmas

"I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas as well," Schmeck remarked. "Merry Christmas and, let's go Brandon.

"Let's go Brandon, I agree," Biden responded.

That dialogue reportedly sparked a social media frenzy.

But for Murillo, it seemed that these leftist managers were doing their best to cover up or dismiss Biden's error in judgment in his answer.

"So, what is really going on here?" Murillo asked as he proceeded to explain why the Left and Biden's handlers were justified in their indignation. Biden, said Murillo, has let his true state of mind made known in a public setting.

"Okay, here is the point," Murillo explained. " Here is the leader of the free world and he says, 'Let's go Brandon, I agree.' There is no way out of the massive mental lapse here."

"Either Biden has been so sequestered that he has never heard the phrase. Or he doesn't understand what it really means. Or he simply did not know what he was saying. (Does he think Brandon is a college team?) Neither option is comforting. But it explains why I believe that Joe Biden was not legally elected, nor is he actually in charge of the White House."

Now, what should Christians do in this situation? Murillo feels that the bureaucratic rogue government has been using people's fear for their own gain in order to maintain their power and increase their control over them.

According to him, Biden's handlers simply told him to terrify the public with statements like the unvaccinated would die in the coming winter unless they get the jab.

While the fearmongering is causing some churches to "shiver in their religious boots," this isn't the case for everyone as more people than ever before are now speaking up.

"Fear not! That is our battle cry," Murillo declared. "Telling America why they do not have to fear is the highest duty of the church in this hour. Shouting from the rooftops that fear is the enemy. Fear is the weapon of choice for this current tyrannical government."

"We have a new job-and that is, to expose fear," he said, stressing that the love for freedom must outweigh the fear of the virus.

Murillo believes that if American Christians can overcome their apprehension of facing the truth, they can work together to expose the fraudulent elections of 2020. Additionally, they will be able to use God's authority to heal the damage done and restore their liberty after they have passed beyond the stage of denial that they are being kept hostage by the socialists in position.

This, he said, is because politicians and the news media are colluding to undermine people's capacity to make their own choices.

"Our new job is to tell America that Christ delivers us from the fear that the enemy would use to enslave us. The same Jesus that conquered death must rise up in us, and conquer evil!" he proclaimed.