Since sin entered the world, joy seems to be elusive. But noted minister Joyce Meyer argued that life can be enjoyed every day regardless of circumstances.

Citing John 10:10, the minister said that God intended for man to enjoy life.

"This verse clearly shows us that God wants us to enjoy our lives-in abundance, to the full, until we're overflowing with joy!" she wrote on Charisma Magazine.

Meyer revealed that being a victim of abuse in her childhood, God's revelation about this truth changed her life.

She pointed out that living in this state means "doing ordinary life with calm delight and a smile," including the "daily responsibilities" such as doing some housework. She also stated that living with joy does not depend on anything.

"It seems today that most people believe they have to wait for their circumstances to change before they can enjoy life. But the truth is you can make the decision to enjoy your ordinary life and make it extraordinary, regardless of your circumstances," she continued.

Meyer went on to share three things, expounding further about joy.

First, life must be lived with God. She said that a person can shift his ordinary life into something extraordinary when everything he does is done "with and for God," adding that separating the sacred life from the secular one is a mistake.

She also highlighted that the LORD Himself wants people to do everything with Him.

"It actually adds an edge of excitement when we let God be involved in everything we do. He's everywhere, all the time, and He's just as interested in the routine, mundane tasks of our lives as He is in the more 'spiritual' things we do," she stated.

Next, real joy is not a feeling. She stressed that true joy can only be obtained from God.

"The abundant life Christ offers goes deeper in our hearts than the way we feel about things," Meyer said.

As written in Nehemiah 8:10, the minister emphasized that the joy from the LORD "is much greater than simply feeling happy," something that brings peace and contentment even amidst difficult circumstances.

Finally, joy can never be given by the world.

Recalling the statement of Jesus in John 15, Meyer said that the key to living with joy from God is abiding in Him.

She explained that "abiding" means one must "live, dwell and remain in." Doing such is not just a weekly church visit but having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As stated in John 15:5, she noted that a person can never do anything without God.

In conclusion, the minister said that the LORD should be pursued daily, not just in times of need.

"God wants to abide with you every day, all throughout the day. He doesn't just want you to seek Him when you go to church or when you're desperate. His desire is to have a personal relationship with you so you can experience His presence in everything you do. That's when your everyday life is really enjoyable!" Meyer declared.