In addition to a priest's argument against the morality of ingesting abortion-tainted shots, an Ontario lawyer articulated a concept he learned from the late Pope John Paul II.

Geoffrey F. Cauchi, LL.B., an Ontario lawyer, wrote an op-ed for Lifesite News to counter the claims made by some Catholics that being vaccinated with vaccines derived from fetal cell lines is morally acceptable.

"I have been following the LifeSiteNews stories on the morality of accepting the so-called 'vaccines,' and just finished reading this article, posted June 23, 2021, with the following headline and caption:

'Priest: Using abortion-tainted COVID vaccine is moral complicity in organ harvesting.'"

He quoted Fr. Dominic Clovis as saying: "The Nazis were bad? The Chinese were bad? We just get the organs from the unborn so that we could have this magical vaccine.'"

While Cauchi applauds Fr. Clovis' efforts to debunk those who claim that accepting any of the purported COVID-19 vaccines is permissible, he believes that Fr. Clovis' theological disputes and remedies have been limited to certain theological premises regarding the contexts in which simple participation in others' immoral crimes is permissible.

"When you arrive at your time of judgment and meet all those persons whose body parts were used in either the manufacture or testing of these products, what are you going to say to them when they ask you why you missed a great opportunity to affirm and witness to their personhood? Somehow, I don't think that 'You should not have taken my decision to accept the vaccine so personally' is going to cut it," he said.

This prompts him to reflect on the late Pope John Paul II's view of the "commandment to Love" and its connection to the "personalistic norm."

Statements from the late Pope, in Cauchi's perspective, form the best argument against the notion that ingesting the presumed vaccines into one's body is ethically permissible. Following that, he went on to lay out all of the details of the late Pope's early words on love and current issues.

Among the points he mentioned from the late Pope's early teachings was:

"In virtue of a personal dignity the human being is always a value as an individual, and as such demands being considered and treated as a person and never, on the contrary, considered and treated as an object to be used, or as a means, or as a thing."

Cauchi then pointed out that people are not just a number or part of some system that doesn't care about them. Rights that come from God can't be changed, let alone taken away, because they come from God himself, he said.

The right to life, he continued, is the most basic and essential right and the basis for all other personal rights. He argues that the general clamor for human rights, such as the right to health, home, employment, family and culture, is "false and illusory."

Furthermore, it doesn't need an advanced degree in philosophy or political science to recognize the underlying concept of "Utilitarianism, "Cauchi remarked, citing another criticism of the late Pope on this topic.

John Paul II made it plain that the utilitarian concept is incompatible with the commandment to love. If the utilitarian theory is adopted, he said, then the commandment simply loses its meaning.

"I think that it is fair to ask all Christian pro-lifers who promote the acceptance of the abortion-tainted "vaccines" to offer some rational explanation as to how the behaviour of voluntarily taking any of them meets the demands of the Christian Personalistic Norm and Christ's commandment to love, as articulated by Karol Wojtyla/Pope St. John Paul II, vis-à-vis those children whose body parts were harvested to produce and/or test these products," Cauchi concluded.