Faced with stringent mask rules mandated by the state for preschoolers, a private Christian school in Colorado elected to leave the option up to parents concerning masking.

This comes after the local government, which is part of the public education system, said that parents don't have a say in how their children do at school. Charisma News noted that this happened in Rep. Lauren Boebert's home district.

The school's dean argues that the mask order is more about government control than public health-and a signal from "the leftists in Denver" to disturb and undermine Rep. Boebert's traditionally conservative jurisdiction.

Jim Tarr, pastor of Cornerstone Christian Center in Basalt, Colorado and director of the ministry's pre-school to high-school program explained: "When we opened up our school this year, we felt by our convictions and by our faith that we were to operate by family choice."

Nonetheless, parents' views and ideals are reportedly not taken into consideration in Eagle County.

"Obey our mandate or else," the authorities reportedly said.

Officials from Eagle County, Colorado, have said that parents can't make decisions for their families, that they have a lot of power, and that they can fine or even put the pastor who runs the school in jail if they don't comply.

Tarr also recounted how a county health officer informed the mother of one of their students that "public health" was more important than her individual rights. A crisis, he says, is used as a political tool to obtain a political advantage. In the event that the mask mandate isn't followed in school, the pastor himself would face a $5,000 fine and up to 18 months in jail.

"I told them this: you're coming after a Christian school with a hundred kids. Why? So you can go to bed at night and you can preen your progressive feathers and you can tell yourself, 'we are doing such a wonderful job," he explained. "We shut down a school because they weren't wearing masks.' Yet at the same time they turn a blind eye to what's happening to the most innocent and defenseless in our society, and I'm talking about the unborn."

The state wants the Christian school to stay hidden until at least 80% of the "building" has been vaccinated. It means that Tarr's school would have to make everyone wear face masks for a long time. But for the pastor, this is way for government's way to show off.

Charisma noted that given that this situation is now going to court for an epic "David vs. Goliath" struggle, the repercussions of this issue-including the denial of parental rights and abuses of people' constitutional rights-could have far-reaching consequences across the country.

Tarr laments that "the idea of liberty, freedom, and parental rights is being consistently lost."

"This is tragic for America as a nation," he said. "On our end as a school, realistically, we don't have the same financial resources as the county, but we're going to take a biblical position and we're going to honor the Lord in every way."

What started out as a little fight for this Christian leader has grown into something much more significant. However, he feels that the nation is on the verge of a major turning point.

Still, he maintains that if the government doesn't stop overstepping its bounds, people will be forced to do things that are in line with a certain groups' ideas, like having to wear masks, having vaccines, having abortions on demand, or having guns confiscated.

Watch Pastor Jim Tarr's video response to the issue below or by clicking here.