America's number one "Mom Coach" shared her ideas on how women can find success both in family life and career.

In a statement shared with Christianity Daily, bestselling author and speaker Hannah Keeley, the founder of an online academy for mothers, Mom Mastery University, said that it is possible for women to live fulfilling family lives while having thriving careers.

"The biggest reason moms don't succeed at both is that we hold the belief that if we are a good business woman, then we must be a bad mom. This will always-always-result in self-sabotage because we are wired to put our children first. If we believe God can prosper us in ALL things, then we can step into that reality," she stressed.

In her USA Today article, Ronica Cleary, president of Cleary Strategies, also stated that though motherhood does not "fit perfectly into professional lives," this does not mean that a woman cannot "be both a great mother and have a great career." However, she admitted that it is inevitable that a woman would sometimes feel that she is only good at one or the other, or feel lousy at both.

Keeley, also the host of the "Crazy Blessed Podcast" and the "Hannah, Help Me!" series, underscored the relevance of taking responsibility and diligence as factors in achieving change and transformation.

"The first step of changing anything is taking 100% responsibility for the outcome. Taking responsibility is the strategy that we cannot negotiate with. Only after that first step can we truly show up with complete diligence in our efforts. Moms frequently dismiss this one life-changing strategy and end up with excuses, rather than results. Excuses are just lies that we have clothed in tolerance. When we live beyond that, we let go of comfort and step into transformation."

She said that motherhood can be overwhelming but pointed out that when a mother feels such, she must realize that "she is not broken."

"There is nothing wrong with her and she did not fail. The mom brain is a peculiar piece of equipment that can easily overwhelm us if we don't know how to work with it. Her brain was just doing what it had to do to stay safe," the coach added.

She then advised that mothers who are in this situation should find one thing which they can take action on for the day and make that happen, such as making up the bed. This, she noted, is sometimes enough for a "mom brain" to know that she is safe, successful and matters.

Keeley herself experienced the same, being deep in debt, having a cluttered house, tired, overweight and depressed. But when she called out to God and asked to be rescued, the LORD simply told her to "get up and fold [her] laundry".

She said that she expected a more inspiring response like paying off her debts, decluttering her house or putting herself on a diet. But when she decided to obey God, her action led to a snowball effect that started to change her life.

The Mom Coach believes that folding the laundry is God's lesson for her to take responsibility, causing her to apply such in other areas, including her home, finances and health.

"I showed diligence. If you show diligence in what you are given, you will be given more." 

Those who want to know more about Hannah Keeley and want to stay updated about her can reach her through the following channels: