A pastor with extensive experience in God's supernatural healing shares the basics for the work of the Spirit clearly, dispelling misconceptions commonly associated with Christianity and the life in the Spirit.

Pastor Linda Budd of the Rivergate Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, offers a unique narrative about pursuing God's gift of healing. Jared Laskey, co-founder of Fireborn Ministries and host of Charisma Podcast Network's "Adventures in the Spirit" podcast, interviewed her for their 107th episode.

According to Charisma News, she was initially struck by God's fire during the 1994 Toronto revival, and she continues to be moved by that same fire today.

First, Laskey enquired as to how Budd obtained the gift of healing. Linda Budd's experience was straightforward, yet it nevertheless tells an astounding narrative of how God consistently delivers to those who ask, as it is with every believer who operates in both the supernatural and practical aspects of his faith.
For years, Budd confessed that despite her best efforts, no one she prayed for was ever healed. She believes she prayed for hundreds of individuals before she began to see people healed.

Her defining moment occurred when she saw shelves in heaven filled with human body parts in her mind. After that, anytime someone requested prayer for healing, she would immediately think of those shelves and pray to God for a bodily part that would enable the person for whom she was praying to be fully healed. Notably, she does not request the restoration of any damaged bodily parts, but rather a brand-new one from the heavenly shelves.

Considering the current COVID outbreak, this is an important subject to bring up.

While the battle rages against experimental jab mandates and the demonizing and discouragement of effective and less expensive prophylaxis, Christians may do more to aid by concentrating on their mission. That's because healing the sick is also an important aspect of Jesus' order to preach the gospel through evangelism and baptism of new believers.

Medical and scientific advances continue to be beneficial in treating many physical problems, but Christians have also been granted a place in heaven where they may heal others as well as themselves.

Returning to Budd, she explained how prayer for the sick works in a very straightforward manner. In contrast, she went into great detail on how God's Spirit works in and through her to heal others. To begin, she says to pray to Jesus for a new bodily part to be sent to the individual from above.

The next step is to extend hands to the person being prayed for and to wait for a response. Depending on Linda's previous experiences, she has either felt her hands start to feel like burning or receiving the miracle via faith.

Finally, she'd tap the person on the shoulder and say, "Here is your new [body part] in Jesus' name."

After that, she urged getting feedback from the individual, such as whether or not the pain has subsided or if anything has changed, and look for concrete results. If there isn't, find out why they believe they weren't healed.

Unconfessed besetting sin might block one's way to healing in some cases, she indicated. This does not imply, however, that this is always the case for everyone. But even if it does, most individuals are humble enough to admit whatever fault they believe they have still to confess.

So, if someone is praying for someone who is ill, he or she may inquire about the sick person, but he or she should never hold the person responsible for his or her lack of healing. Instead of making assumptions about the sick person's illness, it's best to approach God directly for guidance.