Andrew Torba, CEO of Gab and a Christian entrepreneur, believes that humanity is experiencing the beginning of a Fifth Great Awakening.

Earlier this week, Torba reiterated in his blog that Christians should not put their trust in men, especially politicians, or even in their own churches and "Christian" organizations that are already well-established over the globe.

"We are citizens first and foremost of Christ's Kingdom above all earthy realms. It's time to start acting like it. We are also exiles in a hostile and foreign world that is in a state of distress. We need to remember that in spite of this Christ our King remains on the throne," wrote Torba.

This was in light of his recent personal experience of fellowship in person with Christian friends without the need to conform to health regulations such as masking.

Furthermore, he highlighted that Christians should not only speak openly and consistently about God's wonders in their lives, but that they should help encourage and support one another as well.

"We can't do any of these things by being silent," he said. "Do not conform to the bogus limitations and cultural taboos that have been fabricated by God's enemies. Enemies of God don't get to dictate what Christians can or cannot talk about in public, on the internet, or in casual conversations."

Since early this year, when Torba's company was ousted online by Big Tech, he and his team have been hard at work not just restoring Gab, but also putting up an alternative system. Torba coined the terms "parallel society" and"parallel economy" and has subsequently written a series of articles on it.

With his own social media platform, Torba was able to observe individuals from various walks of life, which brings up the subject of what Torba dubbed the "fifth awakening."

"I have been blessed with the great honor of being able to see the work God is doing on a daily basis in the form of the Gab community," he said.

He claims that he sees Christians of all denominations, whether Protestants or Orthodox, as well as Catholics, sharing their experiences, debating God's Word, purchasing items from one another, helping and praying for one another, and drawing others to Christ on a daily basis.

"I see the early foundation and fruits of a parallel Christian economy," he said.

Concerning all of the world's problems, Torba maintained that presidents and political campaigns would not and could not fix Christendom's or society's woes.

"Jesus Christ is the only way out of this mess. Period," he said. " It all starts by speaking freely and sharing your faith and testimony as often as you can. It starts in your own heart, then in your family and home, and finally out to the rest of the world."

"We must start building from the ground up and meme this Fifth Great Awakening into reality," he proclaimed.

As for the Christians who have responded to the call and have begun to work, Torba said: "We're building a parallel Christian society and kickstarting the Fifth Great Awakening."