Pfizer attempts to salvage its image by continuing to claim that no fetal cell lines were used in the trial shot's production, despite overwhelming proof to the contrary. This time, the company itself is using religious figures to do it.

In his tweeted video, former Navy intelligence officer and Senior Editor of Human Events, Jack Posobiec, remarked that Catholic ethicist Dr. Joseph Meaney, who claimed on national television that the Pfizer COVID vaccine did not use aborted cell lines, had shamelessly lied.

"This guy straight-up lied to Catholics about Pfizer," he wrote.

Dr. Joseph Meaney, Ph.D., a bioethicist and the head of the National Catholic Bioethics Center, spoke with EWTN Catholic Television Channel about the Pfizer COVID shot.

Dr. Meaney assured EWTN viewers that no aborted baby cell lines were used in the research or manufacturing of the Pfizer COVID vaccine.

"The good news is not at all. It's a new type of vaccine, mRNA-type similar to the Moderna vaccine, that does not use any cell lines whatsoever in its production. So, in that case, there are no cell lines involved in its development and production," he said.

However, on Wednesday, Project Veritas put out a video of a Pfizer whistleblower accusing the pharmaceutical firm of attempting to conceal a link between its new COVID-19 vaccine and aborted baby parts.

Melissa Strickler, a Pfizer employee, disclosed emails from corporate officials requesting that employees refrain from discussing the fetal cell lines used to test the company's COVID shot.

A Pfizer executive stated in an email dated Feb. 9 that the company wanted to prevent having knowledge about fetal cells "floating out there."

"From the perspective of corporate affairs, we want to avoid having the information on fetal cells floating out there," reads the email.