Project Veritas released an exposé of Pfizer scientists who leaked information about their company's shady tactics for profiting off COVID shots despite the risks they posed to public health.

Previously, Project Veritas exposed the inner workings of Johnson & Johnson through an undercover interview with two of the company's employees. This time, the narrative centers on the claims of two Pfizer scientists.

One expert biochemical adviser with a background of working in the pharmaceutical business discloses to the undercover journalist that people who have had COVID have greater protection than those who have gotten the Pfizer COVID shot.

"When somebody is naturally immune, like they got covered, they probably have better, like not better, but more antibodies against the virus," he said.

"When you actually get the virus, you're going to start producing antibodies against, like, multiple pieces of virus--and not only just like the outside portion, like the inside portion, and the actual virus. So, your antibodies are probably better at that point than the vaccination," he added.

Nonetheless, he has no issue with cities mandating vax cards, much like one of the Johnson & Johnson scientists who said it's acceptable to "inconvenience" the unvaccinated until they give up.

Two other Pfizer scientists had similar sentiments.

According to a senior associate scientist, people who have already been infected are considerably better protected, and most likely for a longer period of time, since there was a natural reaction in the body.

The second scientist, on the other hand, voiced displeasure with how they are "bred and taught" to claim that the vaccination is safer than naturally enhanced antibodies from infection.

"And that's like, like, honestly, we have to, we had to do so many seminars on you have no idea. Like we have to...sit there for hours and hours -- and listen to 'you cannot, like, talk about this. It's not in public.'"

The senior associate scientist also expressed his dissatisfaction with his job at Pfizer.

"I still feel like I work for like an evil corporation," he said, adding that they are attempting "to keep track" of everyone who has been vaccinated versus the real number of individuals reported.

"Basically, our organization is run on COVID money now," he continued. "It netted like over 15 billion last year.

He also felt that no one should be required to tell anybody about their vaccination status since doing so would be a violation of privacy.

"So, I mean they're trying to get their numbers, but still you shouldn't have to show anything, which is basically, in my opinion, a violation of HIPAA," he said.

In terms of persuading people to be vaccinated, the senior scientist said that many companies have been granted a large sum of money to develop vaccines, and are thus required to push them.

Concerning working within the company, he said that there are "ears and eyes" everywhere, making it difficult for employees to voice their views.

"You don't talk about anything that can possibly implicate you or, like, Big Pharma. Even if you shut the door to the office, it's kind of, like, 'who's listening?'"

Watch Project Veritas' video exposing Pfizer's wrong practices with regards to COVID below: