When it comes to today's culture's uncertainty about gender roles, Pastor Voddie Baucham explains why he thinks society should accept and appreciate the differences between men and women.

"An attack on masculinity is an attack on the God who created us. He created us male and female. We are not the same, and there is beauty in the differences between male and female," Voddie maintained.

"The problem is, when you attack masculinity, you are actually attacking a preserving force. If you don't have strong men in a culture, then what you have is young men who are not kept in check and what they do is they wreak havoc," he added.

Baucham made these statements on the most recent episode of "Fearless," in which BlazeTV host Jason Whitlock was joined by pastor and best-selling author Voddie Baucham for a spirited talk.

The seasoned preacher observed that when those young guys cause chaos, everyone instantly looks around for someone or anything powerful enough to restore order.

"So, we're creating a problem ... and the way that that problem is solved, is by the very thing that you attacked in the first place. ... We're actually cutting off our noses to spite our face," he said.

Men, according to Baucham, are created to be a "preserving force" that protects society and the family. He said that when males are emasculated, things that need to be defended would be left vulnerable to attack.

On abortion

Whitlock went on to note that contemporary men have reacted to these attacks on masculinity by "shunning responsibilities," especially on the subject of abortion.

Additionally, he highlighted how the pervasive leftist, liberal, feminist view that it is the woman's choice alone is an irresponsible one to hold.

"Here in America, if you go look at the percentage of how many black babies are being destroyed in the womb, you're actually co-signing your genocide and death," Whitlock pointed out.

Baucham was resolute in his agreement.

Using health figures in Texas, Baucham stated that black patients made about 30% of abortions in 2020, while black is just 12% of the state population.

He also used the opportunity to share that he and his wife had nine children, seven of whom had been adopted. He offered his family's example as a way of telling women to give birth to their babies, and to say that loving families would welcome these newborns if they feared that none would care for them.

In a less lighthearted vein, Baucham did not skip a beat in highlighting how those who are upset over police shooting and killing black men stay silent about abortion mills slaughtering black babies in the womb and harvesting their organs.

On trans issues

Regarding trans women in sports, Baucham is perplexed that the liberal feminists who once portrayed patriarchy as the source of women's subjugation are now attacking women in their quest to make transgender ideology acceptable.

He also made a passing remark about legislating laws that seduce teenagers into changing their body parts through surgical operations.

"We're creating a society that whatever you feel, whatever desire you have, you must legalize it, normalize it, and make it part of society and culture and I see that as satanic," he said.