"Let Us Worship," a worship and prayer gathering held at the National Mall on Saturday, featured a pre-recorded message from former President Donald Trump, who addressed the nation during a critical moment of unrest and instability.

In what revivalist and worship leader Sean Feucht referred to as Trump's "historic speech" on Facebook, the former president emphasized that the "ultimate answer to evil" is a unified people who turn to God in prayer.

During his speech, Trump encouraged Americans to pray for the U.S.A. in remembrance of the victims of the 9/11 attacks. He also expressed gratitude to first responders who risked their own safety to aid people who were in danger.

"There could be no more fitting night for Americans to join hands and bow our heads in prayer than this evening," he said.

"We honor the memory of every innocent soul killed in the September 11 attacks. We cherish their legacy, and we reaffirm our everlasting vow to never forget. We all remember hearing in the hours and days after the attacks the stories of police officers and firefighters and first responders who showed bravery and daring far beyond the call of duty," he noted.

Trump also made sure to mention every service member who had been stationed in Afghanistan in his remarks.

"To the families of all of the service members who have made the supreme sacrifice in our fight against the terrorist enemy, please know that you have our undying loyalty and eternal devotion and the love and support of every single American," he said.

Halfway through his address, the former president recounted the story of Father Mychal Judge, the Chaplain of the New York City Fire Department who perished in the attacks.

When the first aircraft hit the World Trade Center, it is claimed that he dashed inside despite being aware of the danger.

Trump said that there's video evidence that showed the priest standing motionless in front of a big window, watching people fall to their deaths. A friend and colleague priest subsequently remarked that if one looks closely, one can see the priest's lips moving. The priest was believed to be praying at the time. Father Mychal was subsequently killed when the South Tower fell as a result of the explosion.

"The day before he died, Father Mychal spoke at the dedication of a New York City fire station. Before a group of firefighters, he shared a message that echoes across all time. 'You do what God called you to do,' he told them. 'You show up, you put one foot in front of the other. You get on the rig, and you go out and you do the job which is a mystery. You have no idea what God has calling for you. You have no idea where you're going and, in some cases, you don't know why, but He needs you. He needs me, He needs all of us.'"

"Tonight, Father Mychal's words remind us that in the end, there is only one true answer to the depth and the evil that we saw on Sept. 11th," continued Trump.

"It is God that is the answer that stood tall over the wreckers at Ground Zero where rescuers forged the mighty steel cross from the fallen towers' broken beams...And it is the same ... turning to God, the ultimate answer to evil that we see here today as thousands of Americans gather on the Mall to pray for our beloved nation and to pray for one another," he pointed out.

Before drawing to a close, Trump commended Let Us Worship for inspiring Americans to pray together, despite their differences, as they navigate through these tough times as a united front.

Since last year, Sean Feucht and the "Let Us Worship" team have been credited with bringing worship and prayer to 132 locations throughout America.