Tripwire Interactive's CEO was compelled to quit following a tweet in which he said that he was "proud" of a Texas legislation that forbids all abortions after six weeks, after a child's heartbeat is detected.

According to Faithwire, John Gibson tweeted Friday applauding the United States Supreme Court for declining to stop the contentious law, which detractors claim impair Roe v. Wade.

"Proud of [the U.S. Supreme Court] affirming the Texas law banning abortions for babies with a heartbeat," he said. "As an entertainer, I don't get political often. Yet with so many vocal peers on the other side of this issue, I felt it was important to go on the record as a pro-life gamer developer."

The company, which had been subjected to a barrage of criticism from social media users, said on Monday that Gibson's views "do not reflect those of Tripwire Interactive as a company" and that the business' vice president, Alan Wilson, would serve as temporary CEO.

"Our leadership team at Tripwire are deeply sorry and are unified in our commitment to take swift action and to foster a more positive environment," the statement said.

Live Action founder Lila Rose said the decision to let go of Gibson was "disgusting." Gibson was a pro-life campaigner who, according to a GameRant report, decided to quit as CEO as Tripwire has reportedly started to lose industry partners.

Faithwire quoted her as saying: "Half of America is pro-life - including millions of women that you're ignoring. Abortion is violence against the vulnerable [and] you've publicly sided with violence. Sick [and] regressive, [Tripwire Interactive]. Your CEO stood up for human rights but apparently that's not what your company values."

The Babylon Bee's CEO, Seth Dillon, called Tripwire's leadership "a bunch of clowns and cowards," and Gibson's dismissal "shameful stuff."

The company's decision was backed by others on the left, who said that a "fetus isn't a child." In the words of one critic, Mitch Dyer, Gibson's replacement was the "right move" for "so many reasons."

Nevertheless, Faithwire noted that there were a small number of pro-abortion Twitter users who expressed their dissatisfaction with Tripwire's move.

Fighting for and against life

While the Supreme Court denied an emergency abortion-rights appeal by 5-4 votes, this is not an end to the legal fight over the law's legality.

Biden, despite his self-identification as a Catholic, has reportedly directed the US Department of Justice to "to look and see whether there are things that can be done that can limit the independent action of individuals in enforcing a state law."

A Townhall hit piece on Biden stated that while he expressed his "condolences" to the families of the fallen soldiers by telling them that his son Beau "also died,"- ignoring the fact that his son was able to return home safely while serving in Iraq and that his death was caused by cancer -proceeded to "roll out everything from hysterical rantings about 'coat hanger abortions in back alleys' to renewing calls to pack the Supreme Court with extra Justices until it votes their way."

But as for the newly passed abortion ban bill, Prestonwood Baptist Church Pastor Jack Graham said:

"We're going to turn America from a culture of death into a culture of life."