Jen Psaki, Joe Biden's White House press secretary, has gotten a lot of attention online for calling COVID-19 a "global plan-demic" instead of a pandemic.

She made the remark while answering a question regarding Biden's meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett during a media briefing, WND reported.

From the video released by Fox, WND quoted her as saying: "We expect their conversation to be wide-ranging, to cover a range of topics of mutual interest - everything from COVID-19 and our efforts to address the global plandemic to regional security issues which could include a range of topics including security within Israel as well as, you know, Iran and other issues of mutual concern." Watch Psaki say these words:

The official White House transcript of the press conference, on the other hand, printed Psaki's words as "global pandemic" rather than "global plandemic."

Several news analysts and other internet commenters reacted quickly to the scoop.

"The quote is crystal clear," the National File observed, noting that "'Plandemic' was the name of a viral but heavily-censored film in 2020 starring whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits, which helped to wake people up to the coronavirus scam."

Psaki's remark was described by Populist Press as "the most honest thing she's ever said at the podium. Thanks for confirming what so many people have suspected all along, Psaki."

In addition to YouTube, Psaki's video has been shared widely online with some humorous interjections. One such clip shows actor Will Ferrell, who played newscaster Ron Burgundy in the film "Anchorman," seen above, asking, "What did you say?" and "Boy, that escalated quickly."

When the conscientious go "high," the unscrupulous go "low."

As per another WND report, YouTube has removed a video in which a virologist who formerly worked with Dr. Anthony Fauci expresses reservations about the government's response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Dr. Judy Mikovits argues in the video that the policy of isolating everyone is a blunder and that authorities have an economic motivation to enforce mass vaccinations.

Mikovits alleges that Fauci was one of the senior health authorities that vilified her and ruined her career as a consequence of her dissenting viewpoints.

Similarly, YouTube deleted recordings of a news conference in which two California doctors methodically argued for the removal of lockdowns imposed as a measure to mitigate the pandemic.

The videos, which have accumulated over 5 million views, featured Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi - proprietors of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, California - explaining their findings based on their assessment of over 5,000 patients for the coronavirus and public statistics.

In lieu of the videos, YouTube has posted a notice stating that the contents violate the platform's "community guidelines."

Next was Google, whose censorship occurred simultaneously with the doctors' additional exposure in an appearance with Fox News presenter Laura Ingraham on April 27.

Later in the hour, after interviewing the doctors, Ingraham told her viewers that YouTube "just took down their viral video challenging the COVID narrative."

YouTube has removed a video in which a virologist who formerly worked with Dr. Anthony Fauci expresses reservations about the government's response to the coronavirus outbreak.

According to the Western Journal, two years before the discovery of COVID-19, Fauci stated that "there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases."

Fauci reportedly spoke these words to a group of students and specialists at Georgetown University Medical Center in January 2017 in reference to the incoming Trump administration.