An American Pastor reportedly pledged $50,000 to rebuild an orphanage that was burned down by Fulani militants in Nigeria's Jos area last Monday.

The Christian Post said that New York-based Infinity Bible Church Pastor William Devlin has pledged to donate the money for the Binta Orphanage that housed 150 children. The Binta Orphanage took to its shelter the children who lost their parents due to the previous attacks of Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram.

"Last week, Fulani Muslim terrorists burned to the ground an orphanage in Northern Nigeria where PB visited in December 2021 with my colleague, Barrister Emmanuel Ogebe," a post on Devlin's Facebook page said on August 6.

"Thank God the 157 children were evacuated prior to the destruction by these demonic terrorists. Pastor Dr. Devlin has committed $50,000.USD to rebuild the orphanage," the post ended.

Devlin, who also acts as volunter CEO of the human rights nonprofit Widows and Orphans, revealed to local reporter Paul Ukpabio that he received photos showing the burnt orphanage. Devlin stressed that the rebuilding of the orphanage should not be "deterred" by the terrorism of the Fulani herdsmen.

"These are photos of the orphanage burned by Fulani muslims Tuesday 3 August 2021 as given to me. The Fulani terrorists have destroyed this orphanage in Plateau State; as I have rebuilt a Fulani Muslim destroyed church in Benue State, I shall rebuild the Fulani Muslim destroyed Christian orphanage in Plateau State, too. We are not deterred by Fulani Muslim terrorism," Devlin announced.

The Fulani militants were reported to have been attacking the area's Jebu Milangu for five days prior to burning the orphanage. A local watchman was reported in saying that the Nigerian army aided the Fulani in their attack since they were seen "escorted" by "three army vans" and "allowed" the militants to burn houses down instead of protecting the civilians from the attack.

"The attackers came when the place was becoming dark around 7 p.m. The Fulani got support from the Nigerian army. They were escorted by the army on three army vans. We saw them from afar coming in numbers. The soldiers did not help us. They allowed Fulani to burn down our houses," the watchman revealed.

The attacks have left many properties destroyed, 68 people dead, and 13 injured who were brought to Enos Hospital in Miango for treatment. While the 25,000 who survived unscatched physically have been displaced by the attack and have already started relocating to safety.

The Binta Orphanage, which also housed the children's hostels and classrooms, was totally destroyed but all the children survived the attack due to the proactive effort of it's Coordinator Choji Joshua. The children were relocated by Joshua even before the orphanage was attacked knowing that the Fulani militants will not spare their lives.

On the other hand, The Epoch Times revealed that the Binta Orphanage is the only one supported by Washington D.C.-based Religious Freedom Coalition for a decade. The Religious Freedom Coalition is a nonprofit organization whose primary goal is to help persecuted Christians across the world. They have partnered with local orphanages whom were provided wih "a new water system" as well as funding for their needed resources and tools in the hope that the love of Jesus would be shown to the children.

Religious Freedom Coalition Founder Rev. William Murray confirmed through an interview with The Epoch Times that the children are safe although the need "emergency funding" for the rebuilding of the orphanage and for taking care of them.

"The 147 kids were evacuated to Jos," Murray said.

In their website, the Religious Freedom Coalition highlighted their outreach to Nigeria since Christians there "face worse persecution" leaving many orphans. The organization called for donations and for people to "pray for the orphaned Christian children of Nigeria."