A new documentary film titled "Trans Mission: What's the Rush to Reassign Gender?" from the Center for Bioethics and Culture sheds light on the gender identity industry and discusses several issues surrounding how doctors rush kids to change their genders through puberty blockers, medication, and at times, even surgery.

The new film discusses how gender identity affirmation becomes a way for doctors to push a child's discontent with their gender and if they can determine if a child with gender dysphoria will make the right choice and achieve happiness after irreversible surgeries.

"There are doctors in the U.S. who will go to work today and oversee the chemical castration of little boys, who will put 14-year-old girls into menopause and give troubled young girls cosmetic mastectomies," a woman lamented in the film, as reported by CBN News.

The 52-minute documentary features interviews with 17 doctors, parents, activists, and adults themselves who consulted doctors to affirm their gender identities. It also tackles how others criticize people with gender identity issues, ultimately silencing them in what is supposed to be a space where they are heard.

In the new film "Trans Mission," a mother recounted how doctors told her that if her daughter would not be placed on puberty blockers, she would most likely commit suicide. A father of a young boy spoke out about how doctors pressured the young boy's mother to make him take hormone treatments early and what expectations this made for the young boy.

"There's a very good reason to be concerned about the outcome specifically, that some of the largest studies that have been done with the longest follow-up have shown that suicide rates remain markedly elevated after you undergo these affirmation interventions," pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Paul Hruz said in a statement.

More concerningly, the documentary highlights how difficult it is to "dissent from the social prescription to affirm gender identity." Jennifer Lahl, who produced the documentary, blames trans men for fueling the trend of young people wanting to take drastic measures to affirm their gender at such a young, formative age.

Lahl told CBN that trans men who are not happy they transitioned after puberty are encouraging younger generations to transition earlier to suppress developing an Adam's apple, a deeper voice, and other characteristics. She added that trans activists have a notion that puberty blockers can solve all of these.

Lahl argued that anyone aged 7 to 9 would not be able to properly decide to have their "uterus removed" or "put on wrong sex hormones" so they do not develop sperm or grow facial hair. The documentary features a trans man, who regretted affirming his gender at such a young age, admitting that he "just ruined it basically."

Lahl lamented that for most doctors, it's not about finding out the underlying issues as to why a child would want to switch genders. For most, it's almost always about going forward with gender reassignment without "[finding] out what's really going on here" because it does not fit the transgender narrative.

Lahl concluded, "They don't want to talk about risks and harms. They don't want to talk about the lies that these families and these children are being offered."