Pastor Tony Evans of the Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship has given a "biblical response" to the divisive subject of critical race theory, which has also caused conflicts within churches.

In response to the contentious Critical Race Theory (CRT) issues, Evans presented KRT or "Kingdom race theology" to his congregation in his sermon on Wednesday, July 14. (Evans also preached a follow-up on July 21)

He defined it as "the reconciled recognition, affirmation and celebration of the divinely created ethnic differences through which God displays His multifaceted glory, as His people justly, righteously and responsibly function personally and corporately in unity under the Lordship of Jesus Christ."

Evans was inspired by Ephesians 2:11 to point out that despite the Church's history of Jewish-Gentile disputes, the Apostle Paul urged them to "find common Christian ground."

"Paul has to make this point: 'Y'all are now Christians, you're going to the same Church. So it's time for new rules,'" he said. "I know there was racial division, and there's a lot of racial issues in the Bible. I know all of that. But let me tell you how we [are going to] move forward from here."

He used pouring cream on black coffee as an illustration.

"When I put white cream in black coffee, I got something new [because] what I started with is not how it looks right now. What was white and black is now brown because I have put something new together, which makes it drinkable for me," he said.

Evans said that there are new rules in Christ, and that if Christians follow those new norms, they will create a new but better social culture.

When that happens, Evans assures Christians that, while the rest of the world is at war, they will "have peace in [the Church] because we're operating on one new man."


 Following a thorough analysis of CRT and its evolution in society, Evans said that CRT is primarily concerned with systems, not people. Thus, he advocates for a "Christocentric perspective" which he believes can break through any boundaries, including the country's racial divide.

"Now, here's the deal. If you're spending more time discussing CRT, than you are KRT, that is this, then you've been tricked by the world," he warned.

People are also getting split between the "oppressed and the oppressor" mindset as a result of CRT.

KRT, on the other hand, humbles all people by admitting that they were all sinners who had done harm to their fellow humans.

Evans also refuted the notion that God is colorblind by citing what the apostle John witnessed in the book of Revelation, which said that there were people from every nation, tribe, and kindred.

"We're supposed to be different, but he says Christ is supposed to be all in all," Evans continued.

He likened the beauty of the Church's diversity to an orchestra, with different instruments and performers, each playing their own distinct melody, but all following one conductor.

"See, what we've got is black and red and yellow and white playing our songs...But in the kingdom of God, we play His song. And when we're playing His song, you can use your own racial instrument," he said.