Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, addressed concerns and questions regarding the increased push to vaccinate more people in the United States, despite reports of severe injuries and deaths.

In an interview with Jim Schneider of Crosstalk and following up on Biden's 'Doses to Doors' vaccine campaign, Mat Staver compares it to the Swine Flu epidemic of the 1970's, an experiment which failed quickly as a result of "adverse reactions and 53 deaths."

This was in reaction to House Press Secretary Jen Psaki's statements about what they're going to work on in order to get more Americans vaccinated. There will be a shift away from centralized mass vaccination locations and toward targeted communities where "door to-door outreach" will be used to get the remaining Americans vaccinated.

"Just last week, alone, from Friday to Friday, we had 2043 or so deaths in one week. The numbers jumped from 6985 deaths to 9048 deaths. Over 2000 deaths in one week," he said of those who died after receiving the COVID shots, adding that the stats came from the CDC itself.

"In the six months of 2021, we've had nearly 10,000 total deaths. That number will probably be 10,000 or more...That number is almost twice the total number of deaths that have occurred that have been logged into that same VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) for the past 31 years for all vaccines combined. Just a little over 5000 that have been logged in there as deaths from all vaccines combined from 1990 until these COVID shots began at the end of middle of December, 2020...These COVID shots are now being logged in six months. That number is almost double what we've seen in 31 years," he added.

Host Schneider interjected, asking whether, given those figures, more people died from vaccine shots than from COVID itself, to which Staver responded, "Yes."

Staver cautioned against expecting more mandates, taking into account the HHS (Health & Human Services) and Dr. Fauci's statements to the press about possible vaccination mandates.

He also voiced worry that the Biden administration and other campaigners, in addition to exerting pressure on the FDA, would try to slip through the work to bypass the period required to approve the vaccine rollout.

Returning to the Doses to Doors campaign, Staver emphasized the importance of analyzing the program's bigger picture. He expressed concern about the census-style line of inquiry used by individuals who are trained to conduct door-to-door work, noting that their information will soon be entered into a database. According to Staver, this is an effort to "divide America" by designating those who have been vaccinated and those who have not.

The remainder of Staver's time on Crosstalk was allotted to answering calls from people who wanted advice on the topic to which he was addressing. One helpful response to one of the callers' concerns was regarding religious exemptions for those who would be required to get the vaccine as part of their job obligations.

Staver reported that they had been successful in obtaining religious exemptions so far. He urged those in need to contact Liberty Counsel or go to and click on the Legal Help page.

Detailed reports on the COVID vaccine's side effects and fatalities may also be found here.