The beloved children's TV show "Sesame Street" has transformed its programming to include LGBT-based content. The 52 year old Emmy Award winning children's show is now appealing to the woke agenda by featuring two gay dads in its latest episode titled "Father's Day," which premiered on WarnerMedia's HBO Max and YouTube on Thursday.

According to TVLine, the new "Sesame Street" episode arrived just in time for Pride Month and featured actors Alex Weisman and Chris Costa as Frank and Dave, respectively, parents to a girl named Mia, played by Olivia Perez. The same-sex couple was introduced by Nina, who is played by Suki Lopez, to Elmo and his friends as they all celebrate "Family Day."

"Okay, everybody - I want you to meet my brother Dave, his husband, Frank, and my sobrina, Mia, my niece," Nina said as she introduced the same-sex couple to the other characters on "Sesame Street."

Breitbart reported that Alan Muraoka, who plays Alan on the children's TV show, took to Facebook to share his thoughts on the same-sex couple featured in the "Family Day" episode. He wrote, "Sesame Street has always been a welcoming place of diversity and inclusion. I am so honored and humbled to have co-directed this important and milestone episode."

"Love is love, and we are so happy to add this special family to our Sesame family. Happy Pride to all!" Muraoka shared.

But this is not the first time "Sesame Street" catered to the woke agenda. In March, the Sesame Workshop revealed a new set of "instructional resources for children and their parents" which was called "ABC's of Racial Literacy." The company behind "Sesame Street" explained that it was just one of their endeavors to uphold "racial justice."

Speaking of racism, "Sesame Street" also aired a 30-minute special in 2020 to teach children and families how to be "anti-racist" while defining "racism" for young audiences. It also called upon children to speak out if they witnessed someone being racist.

"Sesame Street" pandering to the woke agenda pleased the LGBT community, with GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis telling Yahoo Entertainment (via Decider) that "The 'Family Day' episode of Sesame Street sends the simple and important message that families come in all forms and that love and acceptance are always the most important ingredients in a family."

"Frank and Dave, as Mia's dads, are the latest characters in an undeniable trend of inclusion across kids and family programming, one that allows millions of proud LGBTQ parents, and our children, to finally get to see families like ours reflected on TV," Ellis declared.

This isn't the first for "Sesame Street" however, as Mark Saltzman announced in 2018 that two of the children's TV show's most famous characters are actually a gay couple. NBC News reported in 2018 that Saltzman, a former writer on the show," admitted that "without a huge agenda, when I was writing Bert and Ernie, they were [a couple]. I didn't have any other way to contextualize them."

Sesame Workshop was quick to deny that Ernie and Bert were a gay couple, saying instead that they were "best friends" who were "created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves."

"Sesame Street" is one of the children's shows that now teaches anti-Bible values to kids, alongside others such as the "Rugrats" reboot, "iCarly," and Amazon Prime's upcoming rendition of "Cinderella."