The "Green New Deal," a sweeping easure said to meaningfully reduce greenhouse gas emissions without compromising American jobs, has been reintroduced by Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts just as President Joe Biden is set to host a virtual climate summit.

The proposal was introduced in 2019 but was mostly ignored by Republican leaders under the Trump administration who believed that it would force people to eat fake meat for dinner and prevent them from traveling.

"For so long, our movement toward a sustainable future has been divided with really just this false notion that we have to choose between our planet and our economy," Rep. Ocasio Cortez said during a news conference as per Reuters. She argued that the "Green New Deal" not only addresses climate change but also promises "20 million union jobs" in the U.S.

Republican Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming was quick to criticize it however, saying, "The green new disaster is back." The 68 year old physician turned senator argued, "Free market innovation is the best way to protect our air, water and communities - not heavy-handed government regulation or taxation."

The "Green New Deal" is campaigning for major changes across different sectors in the U.S. For starters, it aspires for the country to have 100% of power demand to come from zero-emission energy sources like wind and solar. It also seeks to modernize transport infrastructure, manufacturing, and agriculture to address issues on carbon emissions.

But not everyone is on board as some believe the "Green New Deal" will force people to eat bugs and fake meat instead of the usual steaks, which come from farms that emit copious amounts of three greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide that contribute to global warming.

According to CBN News, climate skeptic and "Green Fraud" author Marc Morano believes that the "Green New Deal" is merely a trojan horse for socialism. Morano believes that the climate change proposal is "not about the climate" at all and instead "has everything to do with a progressive ideology using the climate scare to impose their solutions, which is essentially authoritarian government regulations on every aspect of our lives."

Morano believes that the Democrats are using a "climate scare" strategy to get people on board with their socialist ideologies. After all, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez described the "Green New Deal" as "a new national, social, industrial, and economic mobilization" that banks on "social justice" through debt-free college and universal healthcare, among other major changes.

Morano adds that instead of looking at the facts, the Democrats pushing for the "Green New deal" are calling a "climate emergency" to create a crisis they can slap the proposed measure on. He argued, "The solutions become more important than the science. They want the solution so bad that the science must conform to the politics of the desired solution."

These people are pushing for the Green New Deal so bad that they have launched an effort to convince people to look for ways to deal with climate change. One such way, CBN noted, is to make people believe that since bovine flatulence, or the gas that cows produce, contribute to harsher climate, humans will need to eat something that doesn't produce as much carbon --like bugs:

Morano said that if these politicians actually cared about the environment as much as they claim in pushing for the Green New Deal, "you would do the opposite of what the UN and the Green New Deal want to do. You would want free markets, economic prosperity, technological revolution, and wealth because those are the cleanest environments."