On the annual National Day of Prayer, which is today, prominent Christian evangelist Franklin Graham urged the nation to acknowledge the Lord in prayer and plead with Him for there is no hope for America apart from God.

"Our country and our leaders need prayer. Join me in praying that God would intervene and turn our nation back to Him," wrote the evangelist on a Facebook video posted Thursday.

Graham believes that the country is in moral and spiritual trouble and that the best hope for America is for Christians to pray and for God to intervene, Breitbart reported. He invited all his countrymen to participate in the observance of the "National Day of Prayer" by joining of various faith communities' prayer initiatives.

For those who can't find one, he urged them to pray along with him.

Starting with politicians in government offices, his first petition was for their salvation.

"And let's just pray ... Heavenly Father, we just pray for our country. And Father, we pray for the politicians, our elected leaders ... Father, we pray that each one would put their faith and trust in your son, Jesus Christ, and call his name, and turn from their sins. And Father, we pray for our president, we pray for all of our elected leaders today, that you would just get a hold of their hearts ..."

Graham also prayed for Biden's advisers and others serving in other departments, as well as the White House workforce as a whole.

"For those that work at the lower levels, no one knows their names. You know their names and you know who they are. Father, we just pray that you would get a hold of them," he said.

Graham concluded his prayer by pleading with God to transform the nation's heart back to him.

Many of Graham's followers reacted with a praying hand emoji in the comments section, showing that they prayed along with the prayer and that they agreed with it.

National Day Of Prayer 2021

According to the National Day of Prayer Task Force, the national observance "represents a Judeo-Christian expression" founded on the perception that the United States was "birthed in prayer and in reverence for the God of the Bible.

The website listed prayer call dates from May 6 to October 7 for a six-month period. For those who are able to participate, prayer call times were also specified for both day and night.

"We pray that America will be united in love to serve You with all our hearts, all our ways, and all of our days," wrote Kathy Branzell, President of the National Day of Prayer Task Force. "Unite us to pray, love; to live and walk by the Spirit."

Earlier this week, the Biden administration denied Rev. Patrick Mahoney, head of the Christian Defense Coalition, permission to organize the National Day of Prayer at the Capitol building.

"It is deeply troubling for the first time in 70 years, there will not be a public prayer service at the United States Capitol Building on the National Day of Prayer," he said.

Nonetheless, Mahoney said that he would strive to restore the "People's House" to the people and to guarantee that the First Amendment is once more celebrated and honored at the U.S. Capitol.