After a deemed big embarrassment during the election season of numerous mispredictions, some high-profile Christian leaders have compiled a four-page list of "prophetic standards" to prevent any further instances.

The article by a subset of the recently created "Prophetic" ministries, theologians, pastors, authors, advocates, authors, evangelists, and people who make up the Pentecostal movement was published April 29 on their website. The petitions bear their names.

"It is not the purpose of this statement to condemn or accuse," it said. "Instead, our purpose is to help provide scriptural guidelines for the operation of the gift of prophecy and the functioning of the ministry of the prophet, while at the same time affirming the importance of these gifts and ministries."

Their list of "prophetic standards" began with the recognition that "prophecy" as a spiritual gift is beneficial to the edification of the Body of Christ and should be embraced.

However, the situation under which the gift must be used must be solely for the encouragement, edification, and admonition of Christians. It should not be attempted to be implemented in politics.

They also emphasized the importance of prophetic people who believe they have received a divine word or revelation submitting it to the other five-fold ministry leaders, including the pastor, evangelist, teacher, and apostle. These individuals may assist with the implementation and interpretation of the proclamation.

Recognizing that this approach is not always possible, they urged all believers to maintain close reading and contact with the webpages and pages they personally follow, while maintaining integrity in ministry and in their own lives. They also emphasized the importance of sobriety by being rooted in the revealed Word of God --the Bible.

They encourage "acceptance" of the possibility that prophecies are incorrect when there is substantial evidence to disprove them. They also urged those who made false predictions to repent and apologize as needed.

Further in their manifesto, they warned those who are still attempting to justify prophetic texts with fictitious Biblical prophecies in order to save face or insist that their words are the authority.

They emphasized that New Testament leaders do not use or impose their authority. Instead, they serve the flock. As a result, being arrogant contradicts Christian beliefs.

Finally, they stated that they oppose the use of the prophetic gift for personal or official gain.

What prompted the development of a prophetic standards list?

The Charismatic movement has come under fire in recent months after a number of prophets wrongly predicted that former President Donald Trump will seek a second term, thus failing to predict significant events such as COVID-19 and the storming of the United States Capitol.

A few who later apologized for the false prophecies said they got thousands of angry emails, Eternity reported. Jeremiah Johnson of North Carolina even received death threats, earlier reports said.

The statement has reportedly been in development since early February, when it was first drafted by Michael Brown, president of AskDrBrown Ministries, and Bishop Joseph Mattera, convenor of the United States Coalition of Apostolic Leaders. Following that, it was said to have been checked by over a dozen individuals during subsequent Zoom meetings.

However, the document was not signed by a large number of prominent leaders in the prophetic movement, such as Christian International Ministries' Dr.Bill Hamon (who founded the modern prophetic movement in 1979), Chuck Pierce of Global Spheres, Inc., Cindy Jacobs of Generals International, Tom and Jane Hamon of Vision Church, Kenneth Copeland of Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Lance Wallnau of Lance Learning Group and 7M Underground, and Dutch Sheets of Dutch Sheets Ministries.

In fact, the overwhelming majority of movement prophets refused to sign.

Other people in the prophetic movement also refused to acknowledge the defeatist claim in the published prophetic standards. Throwing the ball back, one particular prophetic minister, Bert Farias of Holy Fire Ministries, asked (particularly in light of the evidence of voter fraud and current audits):

"What will happen if Trump is suddenly reinstalled or Biden is removed? Will there be any accountability from this new group?"