If guns are not the real issue behind mass shootings, then what else could they be? Dr. Michael Brown shares his take on the matter.

"It seems that everything around us, from the news to the circumstances of daily life, is conspiring to make us angrier still," wrote Dr. Brown for Charisma Magazine.

He acknowledged that there's a lot in the news that could get people mad like the horrible tragedies of reported mass shootings in different states. What's more heartbreaking is when one learns that the shooter is someone he knew and loved.

But while pundits continue to theorize to debate who or what to blame, Brown is unapologetic to say that guns are not the biggest problem. He made a disclaimer though that he is not the typical "God and gun conservative."

"I write this as someone who is neither a gun owner nor a member of the NRA. Instead, I write this based on common sense," he said.

His main point states that people have always had guns in the U.S., but extreme violence like mass shootings were rare back in his day. So, what's causing this rise in gun crimes?

Brown noted several speculations ranging from mental health issues, absentee fathers, gun-control laws, rise in white supremacy, gay marriages, and to lack of thoughts and prayers, as per former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. He also added a dubious opinion aired on social media about Democrats paying gunmen to act as harbingers for guns to be outlawed.

Regardless of the specific cause now, Brown maintained that gun violence was not common in the past.

But so much has changed in the past years, and Brown agreed that there are larger cultural causes, one of which is the case of fatherless homes. It's not a quick generalization, but it's also a fact that if children grow up without even a father figure, they become vulnerable to breakdowns later in life. Another major factor is the culture that, according to the theologian, feeds violence to children. These are evident in TV shows, movies, video or online games, and more.

"For many of us, watching violence, even extreme violence, has been our daily diet since childhood. That certainly will have a desensitizing effect," comments Brown.

Regarding the sudden spike in mass shootings, the "Line of Fire" host said that aside from demonic activities stirring chaos, the country is highly strung partly because of the extensive lockdowns and partly because of divisions and tensions.

"More and more Americans are pent up and agitated," he noted. "More and more feel threatened and under attack. More and more feel angry and ready to lash out. More and more have lost income and live under constant pressure. And in an environment like this, it doesn't take much for a conflict to erupt."

Legislators and officials can only try to address the symptoms but not the root cause. Brown did not also write additional propositions except for prayers and dependence on God's mercy to either reveal or root out the main causes of troubles.

"And perhaps, for whatever it's worth (and it is certainly worth something), all of us can do our best to be ambassadors of reconciliation and grace, offering hope and a better way of life," he concluded.