A charitable trust in Scotland is being sued for discriminating institutions over their Biblical belief on marriage.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and Stirling Free Church filed lawsuits against Robertson Trust, following termination of contracts for the use of its Barracks Conference Centre, The Christian Institute (CI) wrote.

The church had a contract with the Trust to use its facility for Sunday services but Shonaig Macpherson, its chairwoman, canceled the agreement upon learning about it. Macpherson was allegedly opposed to the stance of the church in marriage, believing that it is only between a man and a woman.

When questioned about the cancellation, the Trust reportedly claimed that its policy prohibits using the center on activities promoting politics or religion. But when the church requested for a copy of the policy, it was revealed that no "explicit policy" actually exists and that decisions were made "on a case by case basis."

Rev. Iain MacAskill said that they were shocked with the Trust's decision.

"The Free Church believes marriage is between a man and a woman - a mainstream Christian belief shared with the Church of Scotland and the Church of England. We have had no other option but to resort to legal action," Rev. MacAskill further stated.

According to the UK courts, the church's Biblical belief on marriage is protected under equality and human rights law. The case is expected to be heard by Glasgow Sheriff Court this week.

The BGEA also filed a lawsuit against the Trust, after terminating a contract without explanation.

Roger Chilvers of BGEA said that the association booked a room in the center as a venue for a training course for churches involved in its evangelistic tour in the UK.

"We made it clear to the venue at the time of booking that we are a Christian organisation. It was only later that they came back and said they were cancelling our booking because of our religion," he said.

"It is a neutral space, offered to the public at large. You can't have a situation where religious groups are banned from hiring neutral spaces. That is not a free society. This is anti-religious discrimination, plain and simple, and we are hopeful the court will uphold our claim and recognize the inequities present in this case," Chilvers added.

Simon Calvert, CI's Deputy Director for Public Affairs, criticized the Trust for its discrimination.

"It's quite clear there is some hostility within the Trust towards Christian beliefs about marriage. But these beliefs are protected by equality and human rights law. The courts have ruled again and again that you can't discriminate against people just for believing in traditional marriage," Calverts said.

Speaking to Premier Christian News, Gerry McLaughlin, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, denied the discrimination allegation, reiterating its policy.

He continued by sharing the Trust's contribution to the poor communities in Scotland, adding that it has provided more than £2.5 million, funding inclusive community projects of over 130 religious organizations in the country.

CI will represent both the church and BGEA in court.