Film Writer/Director Nick Loeb shares details in the monumental task of creating the "Roe V. Made" movie and how one actor got converted during the filming process.
Loeb, in an interview with a Townhall columnist, revealed that he intentionally declined classifying "Roe v. Wade" as a faith-based movie.
"Our movie is not a faith-based movie - we do not hit you over the head with that perspective," he said.
Loeb explained that their goal is "to create a movie with real Hollywood actors where (they) could reach across the aisle and change hearts and minds." For a start, he hinted that one of the actors, who was pro-choice, became persuaded of the pro-lifers' position on the issue.
The same principle was also pointed out by the late Andrew Breitbart in his previous arguments that if done right, conservatives are also capable of influencing the entertainment and political landscapes of their country, Townhall noted.
"If you want to change hearts and minds today, you have to use the media, and you have to use pop culture," he explained. "If you just have events for yourself and trade publications for your own audience, you are just preaching to the choir. You're not reaching across the aisle and changing hearts and minds. The way you do that today is through pop culture, and the left does that really well.''
When asked about what he thought as the toughest part in the making of the movie, Loeb honestly responded that it's the lack of funding.
"We had to next go out and raise the money, and obviously this was something that Hollywood would not want to fund," he said.
Having said that, Loeb explained that when pro-lifers do not take the initiative to also fund the media, it would constantly hurt the movement.
"Look at 90 percent of media out there, it is controlled by the left, and this is where we fall short," asserts the brain behind one of the most anticipated movies of the year.
The "Roe v. Wade" premieres today, April 2. For those who can't hit the theaters, they can also access the movie through video streaming platforms: Amazon and Apple included.
Loeb was also asked if he encountered "any challenges to have the film appear on the major streaming outlets" for which he replied, "not yet."
"They seem to be hungry for content and want to put stuff out there," observed Loeb. "We are a PG-13 movie, we're not trying to upset people. And at the end of the day, this is not a documentary, it is a feature film. Plus, we did not take creative license, when it came to the really important facts. So at least for now we are in the clear."
Loeb, however, confirmed that there had been several attempts to prevent the completion of the movie. One example he cited was one of the agencies that sent out a "firmwide email" telling their agents to not allow clients to do the movie.
"We had others that we can't discuss right now-but we will disclose when it comes out," guaranteed Loeb.