Former United States ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley recently shed light on how the Left's socialist agenda is the biggest obstacle facing social justice today. The 49 year-old first female governor of South Carolina, who served between 2011 and 2017 highlighted how in today's world, liberal leaders are putting the spotlight on division and discrimination based on race and income to push the envelope for an American revolution.

Haley wrote in an op-ed for The Daily Wire that the liberal Left are mistaken. "America isn't sexist, racist, or rotten," she wrote, instead it is "the first country in history to reject sexism and racism." She turned to the Declaraion of Independence to point out that "discrimination of any kind has no place in America" and that this is what America's ancestors have fought for from the bvery beginning, to achieve "liberty and equality for all."

While the country is steps away from achieving this, Haley believes that the socialist Left is indeed standing in the way of social justice with their false "progressive" narrative.

Haley pointed out that these Leftists are "obsessed with the idea that America is totally unjust," which is the reason why "woke culture" has quickly become the norm in the United States. Haley accuses the Democrats for propagating the "woke culture" while pushing for "equity" that will force citizens to turn over control of their lives to the government.

Haley argues that right now, the socialist Left is focusing on "grievance, victimhood, and privilege," which fuels people's "anger and hatred toward one another." The result of this friction is censorship, wherein those who have opposing views are immediately silenced or subjected to violence. She believes that the liberal agenda will inevitably lead to tyranny.

The former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. believes that the socialist Left is spreading the "biggest lie" that "America is built on a foundation of injustice." Haley recognizes the "sins" of those who founded America, which was built on the "promise of liberty and equal rights for all."

Haley is joined by many conservative and Christian leaders in condemning socialism, which forces richer people to give to those who don't have what they have, thereby rewarding those who didn't work for it, in the name of "social justice."

There have been numerous discussions on how the socialist Left is pushing their agenda now more than ever, when a Democrat is seated in the highest position in the land. According to VCY America, there is a "legislative agenda pushing progressivism and shunning conservative values" in today's America.

Aside from promoting "equity," the socialist Left is also undermining several Christian values through legislations that clamp down on Christian beliefs.

Such include the banning of prayer and Bible reading in public schools, the legalization of abortion, the removal of the teachings of the Ten Commandments in public schools, and the legalization of same-sex marriage. Today, the socialist left continues its fight for "equity," specifically with the Equality Act that will spell more trouble than equality for the U.S.