A university in St. Louis, Missouri is teaching children that they may select their "gdenr" regardless of their sex at birth.

Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri recently held an event celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility on March 31, during which they encouraged children to select their "gender" regardless of their biological sex. The event titled "Advocacy & Allyship: Supporting Transgender Youth" and was organized with the Clark-Fox Policy Institute of Brown School of Social Work at the Missouri University.

According to Breitbart, the panel told audiences during the event that, "Adolescence is a tender time full of profound self-discovery. Coming into your own is complicated enough." 

The event featured a panel on a "transgender child" who identified as a girl living as a boy who chose the name Myles for herself. The panel featured discussions on "how teachers can address 'anti-trans legislation,' intersectionality of transgender hardships, children 'explor[ing]' gender identity, and medical procedures for 'pre-pubertal' children." Panelists also called the Texas law that protects the youth from life-altering treatment as "abhorrent."

The event's moderator was Kelly Strock, the author of "Gender Identity Workbook for Kids." During the event, she spoke of the "systemic efforts" in America that "deprive trans youth of their rights and ability to compete in sports, to access medical and mental health care, and to fully and authentically participate in their schools and communities."

Panelist Jess Jones proposed that in order to "counteract" these laws, teachers should "have...a pride flag in your classroom" or "add their pronoun to their email signature" or even "wear...a little pin that has your pronoun." Jones is the founder of Jess Jones Education & Consulting and describes himself as "queer" and "non-binary."

Campus Reform reported that according to Strock, children becoming "transgender" is "living out the light" and referred to younger children as "littles" who can pick their gender identity "around the age of two." She also recommended that parents should let their children explore "gender expression" by playing dress up and allowing them to play with boys' toys and girls' toys regardless of their birth sex, and "just let them do what they're gonna do."

Meanwhile, the Director of Differences of Sex Development Clinic at Washington University in St Louis School of Medicine Christopher Lewis discussed what parents can expect for transgender children who have not yet reached puberty in a medical sense. He argued that just because children explore their gender identity, it does not mean that they should go through medical procedures right away.

Lewis cautioned that "hormones or any other medical interventions" can be used "at certain intervals" because he described these processes as "irreversible" and "extensive."

Washington University's event comes just as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis approved the Parental Rights in Education Law, which limits the discussion of gender identity and sexual orientation in kindergarten to third grade classrooms if it is in "a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate." Left-wing media has labeled the measure as the "Don't Say Gay" law despite the bill's text not having the word "gay" in it at all.