A teenager with disabilities (Dwarfism) just hit it big on Netflix and now is achieving her dreams. 

The teenager, Cassidy Huff encourages people around her that anything is possible if 'you're motivated.' As the world turned her off, she tried her best to be like others who were incredibly amazing. Dreaming big, Cassidy Huff changed the entertainment industry's perceptions. Cassidy struggled with a rare genetic disorder has a hard time hearing in from her left ear. Her entire right side including her lung is three and a half inches shorter than her left. She is also blind in her right eye. 

Starting at a young age, Cassidy struggled through many serious surgeries and fought through to achieve her dreams. One of those dreams was spurred on when she was invited on stage with her favorite band, Rascal Flatts, at the Tacoma Dome. Her love for music never went away as she started dreaming about her career ever since four years old. 

The young teenager began to dream bigger and bigger and now plays a role as a character on the hit DreamWorks series Spirit Riding Free: Riding Academy delivered on Netflix. Working with America's greatest songwriters such as Ed Sheeran, and Jamie Foxx she gained experience and hope to fulfill her dream. The keypoint of the DreamWorks character was to play a role that showcases the ability of those with disabilities. Encouraging many of the younger generations, Huff never ceases to strive for her career. 

Huff stated, "I really felt like for the first time seeing myself and being represented and I hope that kids and adults watching this show will feel the same way." "Don't let anybody tell you you can't do anything. If they do, use that word 'can't as fuel to prove them wrong in every aspect of your life."