On Monday, the Vienna Town Council approved the purchase of the Faith Baptist Church property for $5.5 million. 

The decision will be funded by general obligations bonds from earlier in the year. The town is planned to close on the 3-acre property, 301 Center Street South, on September 18.  The general obligations bonds refer to the $34.5 million in bonds given to the town every two years for capital improvement projects, such as property acquisitions. The bonds will also be used to support the construction of a new police station and be paid for by meals tax revenues from restaurants in Vienna. 

The Vienna Town Council plans to rent the property to the church while it transitions to its new mission. Afterward, the Vienna Police Department will use it for 18-24 months during the construction of the new police station. Police Chief Jim Morris stated that, due to the purchasing of the church property, "people can come in and we'll still remain in the community in the heart of all of the activity." 

The Vienna Town Council has not announced future plans for the property and asked for suggestions from community members. Nisha Patel, a Councilmember, stated "It's your property, and as town residents, I really hope you guys provide us with feedback about [what] you'd like to see go into that space eventually after its temporary use." 

Steve Briglia, the town attorney, shared that the church has been a "vital and established part of the town for many, many years" since the 1950s. The church began considering selling the property a few years ago. Nevertheless, Faith Baptist Church was not ready to accept offers from the town until recently.