Netflix has released a new teaser for its upcoming original series ‘Marvel's Jessica Jones.’

The streaming media provider is set to launch its second series that features a famous Marvel character following ‘Daredevil,’ which was released in April and went on to become one of Netflix’s most sought-after hits.

‘Marvel's Jessica Jones’ follows the story of a retired superhero, played by former ‘Breaking Bad’ actress Krysten Ritter, who sets up her own detective agency.

Comprised of 13 episodes, the series will also see David Tennant take on the role of main antagonist, Kilgrave, while ‘The Matrix’ actress Carrie-Anne Moss has signed on as Harper, who has been described as "a no-nonsense woman who could prove a powerful ally to Jessica".

Interestingly, Rosario Dawson has already been confirmed to make a guest appearance during the first season as Claire Temple, her character from the ‘Daredevil’ series.

As for ‘Million Dollar Baby’ actor Mike Colter, he signed on to portray Luke Cage, a man with a mysterious history and is expected to become a potential love interest for Jessica Jones.

Colter previously described his character as "a neighbourhood hero… a darker, grittier, more tangible character than Iron Man or Thor. He likes to keep things close to his chest, operate on the hush-hush. He has these abilities but he’s not sure how and when to use them.”

Meanwhile, Australian actress Rachael Taylor will take on the role of Jessica’ best gal pal, Patricia "Trish" Walker.

Writer and producer Jeph Loeb shared his sentiments on having Melissa Rosenbergh work on the series as she can significantly draw attention to the bond shared by Jessica and Trish.

“I think we’re very lucky to have Melissa as a writer because she really grasps the insight of what it is to have a friendship with a woman, and the way that two women can actually be competitive and friendly, and love each other and hate each other, and have a history with each other,” Loeb explained.

Rosenberg, who worked on the film adaptation of the ‘Twilight’ novels, has worked on the small-screen adaptation of the superhero series and also currently serves as its executive producer and showrunner.

The upcoming show has also been set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and is expected to share a connection with the movies of the highly popular franchise.

‘Marvel’s Jessica Jones’ is set to make its official premiere on Nov. 20 at 8 a.m. GMT.