Maisie Williams is set to star in the young adult zombie film ‘The Forest of Hands and Teeth.’ The ‘Game of Thrones’ actress is currently in talks to star in Kate Maberly’s adaptation of the said zombie story as drawn out from the 2009 horror novel of the same title by author Carrie Ryan.

Doug Liman, who previously worked on ‘Jumper’ and ‘Edge of Tomorrow,’ is on board to produce the film.

The story will be set “sometime in the future,” when a dangerous virus has spread throughout the world and most humans have been left as cannibals.

Williams’ character, Mary, will venture out to find another world that could possibly exist outside the fenced-off community of survivors. The continued existence of the human race becomes her responsibility as she leads a group “through the dark depths of the Forest of Hands and Teeth.”

Writer-director Maberly opened up about working on the film adaptation and in working with Williams.

“I am so incredibly excited to be stepping into the ‘Forest’ and collaborating with such a brilliant creative mind as Doug’s,” she shared. “We can’t wait to bring Ryan’s fantastical world to life and are absolutely thrilled to have Maisie on board.”

Williams, who bagged a Saturn Award this June under the category of Best Performance by a Younger Actor for playing Arya Stark on HBO’s ‘Game of Thrones,’ will make her next onscreen appearance opposite Jason Sudeikis and Jessica Biel in the indie drama ‘The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.’

The 18-year-old actress is also expected to make a guest appearance on the BBC sci-fi series, ‘Doctor Who’, for two episodes that will air this October.

Meanwhile, Williams has already begun debunking ‘Game of Thrones' rumors and has somehow confirmed that the return of well-loved character Jon Snow, played by Kit Harignton, is quite impossible.

She also opened up about her own character, Arya, going blind for the rest of the sixth season. She last appeared in the season five finale, when she seemed to be blinded by Jaqen H'ghar as punishment for breaking the rules of The House of Black and White.

"I don't want to wear these crazy contacts for the rest of my time on Thrones," she told Entertainment Weekly, referring to the contact lenses required to be worn for her blind character. "I don't know how that will impede [Arya's] life. She's going to become very vulnerable thanks to that. It's exciting and scary so I'm worried about next year.”

‘Game of Thrones’ season six is scheduled to premiere in April 2016, although an official date is yet to be announced.