Jessa Duggar-Seewald carries on with her prayers to God amid the recent scandal surrounding her older brother, Josh.

The former ‘19 Kids and Counting’ star took to social media and shared a post on Instagram, drawing attention to a Bible passage about confession. This post comes only three weeks after Jessa publicly turned away from her disgraced brother after he admitted to having an addiction to Internet pornography and being disloyal to his wife, Anna, with whom he has four children.

"If though shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved," the verse, highlighted with a red pen, states. "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

The 22-year-old former reality star seems to have also underlined the following line : "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Jessa also posted the image on both her Facebook and Twitter pages on Monday.

Her older brother’s recent confession about pornography and unfaithfulness came only three months after his first controversy graced the headlines in May, when a 2006 police report revealed that Josh had molested five underage girls as a teen.

Jessa and her sister Jill Duggar-Dillard subsequently admitted that they were two of their brother’s victims, and TLC formally canceled the family's hit reality show in July.

Last month, Josh checked into rehab and, just a week later, Jessa publicly turned her back on her brother as she shared a Facebook post penned by her father-in-law Michael Seewald, through which he referred to Josh as a "hypocritical Christian.”

The mother-to-be shared such post only a day after she posted a link to a lecture about avoiding adultery and saying no to "a thousand other temptations."

Jessa's husband, Ben Seewald, also posted the same links as his wife.

As to why Jessa and Ben turned their backs on Josh, Ben's sister Jessica Seewald opened up to Page Six and said, "Sometimes it becomes necessary to stand up and speak the truth."

"Ben and Jessa are very tender, so I'm sure they're doing as much as they can for everyone involved," she also stated.

The couple is looking forward to the birth of their first baby on Nov. 1, which also happens to be their first wedding anniversary.

Jessa recently wrote in the Duggar Family Blog to give an update on her pregnancy.

"Even when things in pregnancy seem difficult, I can't help but think of others who are dealing with so much more. This really puts things in perspective for me,” she said of her pregnancy.