‘Arrow’ star Stephen Amell took a break from social media after he came to the defense of Texas following the arrest of a Muslim student who brought a homemade clock, misidentified as a bomb, to school.

"Didn't mean to offend anyone today, wasn't trying to equate things that are very, very different, was simply trying to say that two wrongs don't make a right," Amell explained in a Facebook video on Wednesday. "I think I did offend people, the best thing to do in these scenarios is just to go away for a little bit. So be well, I'll be back, and that's it."

Trying to prove that he did think about taking a break from social media, the 34-year-old actor also decided to remove his profile picture on Facebook and Twitter.

The online controversy started on Wednesday morning when Amell decided to take part in the #IStandWithAhmed movement. The topic became viral when news broke that the 14-year-old Muslim student was apprehended after his English teacher misidentified his homemade clock for a bomb.

"Stereotyping Texas isn't any better than stereotyping Ahmed," Amell shared in a tweet before having to deal with criticism from some of his followers. "Just so we're clear."

Subsequently, Twitter users began questioning Amell’s tweet that induced the actor to bring out a couple more messages.

Police arrested Ahmed Mohamed on Monday after his teacher thought the science project, made out of a pencil case, could be an explosive. The occurrence sparked outrage across the country and celebrities have then been showing their support for the young student through social media posts. Even President Barack Obama has invited Ahmed to the White House.

In the end, Amell sought to clarify his intentions clear once again before getting hushed up in his social media pages.

"Didn't mean to offend anyone. Truthfully," he said on Facebook. "Was simply suggesting that two wrongs don't make a right."

The ‘Arrow’ star concluded, "I'll go away for a bit now. SA."

Meanwhile, Amell previously opened up about the premiere episode of ‘Arrow’ season four, which is expected to shed light on something new that has never been done in the series.

During the show’s panel at DragonCon 2015, the actor discussed an element that has been included in the upcoming premiere, revealing to fans that it would bring on a strong impact on the way the fourth season unfolds, as stated by ComicBook.

"The fundamental part of the season, that nobody is really going to understand until they see the premiere, is that we do something in the premiere that we've never done in the history of the show," Amell explained.

‘Arrow’ season four has been set to premiere on Oct. 7 on The CW.