"'May the glory of the Lord be praised.' God, who leads me to the right path with Your word, spirit, and restoration! God, who prepraed Ezekiel to spread Your word, the power of restoration, with holy anger and strong affection toward his kins, would you receive the glory (Ezekiel 3:1-15).

I thank You for helping me realize that revival begins with God's word through today's passage. Would You allow me to be solid in faith, that I may be able to faithfully proclaim Your word, which can restore God's kingdom. Help me to let go of my own thoughts and will and instead be full of the Spirit's power.

Day by day and at every moment, I pray that you would use me to carry out your purpose for my neighbors and my community as I depend on your word. As I decide on the direction to take, would You cover me with Your word and spirit. I pray in Jesus' name, wanting to intimately walk with You with a renewed heart to rely on the Spirit, listening to Your words in every situation. Amen."

Begin your mornings with Pastor Kim's daily prayers. Reverend Dae Joon Kim is the senior pastor at LA Vision Church, a Korean immigrant church in Los Angeles.