It has been a long time since Marvel fans enjoyed the company of the well-loved villain Loki on the big screen.

Tom Hiddleston’s character was expected to have a cameo role in ‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron.’ However, director Joss Whedon had gotten rid of the plans at the last minute. Now, Loki fans are looking forward to the release of ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ to welcome the God of Mischief back in action.

Hiddleston was recently asked about how his character’s story will play out in the continuously expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the actor did not seem to drop hints that fans have been expecting.

When asked about any details on how the ‘Thor 3’ production has been going on, Hiddleston admitted that he "literally does not know what's happening."

The actor also did not share any more information when asked about the number of Marvel movies he has left.

"It's all in [Marvel President] Kevin Feige's brain. It feels like the Marvel Universe is expanding at such a rate, and I wish – I'm not being coy – I don't know where Loki fits into that. So we'll see. Your guess is as good as mine,” Hiddleston said.

Nonetheless, the actor spilled more beans on the upcoming ‘King Kong’ prequel film – ‘Kong: Skull Island.’ While there have been scarce details about the movie, the actor was keen to express his excitement.

“Well, ‘Kong: Skull Island’ is the next thing on the books. It's so exciting. I've been digging around in some dark material, to be honest. There's something very heroic about my character in Skull Island,” the ‘Avengers’ actor said.

He further explained why he is greatly thrilled to work on the movie, describing his character as an “adventurer” and an “explorer.” In terms of director Jordan Vogt-Roberts’ approach in creating the film, Hiddleston believes that his ideas are exemplary, especially when it comes to exploring the power of nature and its relationship to man.

Meanwhile, Hiddleston’s rumored love interest Elizabeth Olsen also opened up about her ‘Avengers’ character and how her story will play out in the upcoming films, including ‘Captain America: Civil War.’

For the third installment in the ‘Captain America’ film series, its story is expected to separate the Avengers, although certain allegiances remain indefinite. Fans are still uncertain as to who Scarlet Witch will fight for, and Olsen has not revealed any details.

“She’s O.K.,” Olsen said in an interview with MTV, speaking about her character. “She’s doing alright. She’s confused, she’s conflicted. She’s found some people she thinks she connects with, but she’s doing alright. They released images of Team Cap and Team Iron Man. She wasn’t there. She’s always the wild card. I like being the wild card.”

‘Captain America: Civil War’ has been set for a release on May 6, 2016 while ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ will make its way to theaters on July 28, 2017.