As ‘The Walking Dead’ comic books are filled with surprising twists that are yet to be incorporated into the AMC TV series, a number of shocking moments are already being anticipated by fans to be included in the upcoming sixth season.

One of the possible turns that might finally be explored in the new installment involves Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), after taking control of Alexandria. He is expected to be confronted by several threats, one after the other, that will shake the foundation of his team of survivors.

A group called the Scavengers, led by a man named Derek, becomes aware of the community’s presence because of the commotion that the residents made when Pete was executed. The outsiders spot the walled community and demand to have entry, resulting to conflict that naturally involves guns.

As for walkers, they are attracted by the sound of guns firing and end up engulfing the area.

Spoilers from the ‘Walking Dead’ set have already revealed that the season six premiere starts with Rick and the group in the middle of ammo-infused conflict, although other speculations claim that it could be with the Wolves, another dangerous group that brings on even more perilous threats to the community.

In the comics, Jessie and her son find a place to stay with Carl while the walkers are being fought off. However, the trio is forced to leave when a huge group of enemies looms near.

In the middle of the commotion, Douglas, known as Deanna's comic book counterpart, is gripped by a walker and is instantly taken down. In the brawl, he unintentionally shoots Carl's eye. Community doctor Denise Cloyd is tasked with repairing the wound.

Furthermore, fans who have read the source material are well aware that Jessie, Rick’s love interest, will not survive long.

In the same scene where Carl is injured, the widow is also harmed by the approaching mob of walkers. As she is taken down, she does not let go of Carl's hand. Subsequently, despite a heavy heart, Rick decides to sever her limb and watch her die.

As for Morgan (Lennie James), he is asked by Rick to help out as the herd of walkers approaches. As he springs into action, he is bitten in the process and, instead of choosing to be executed, decides to meet his death in Denise’s hospital bed.

Finally, Glenn’s (Steven Yeun) possible death has been making 'The Walking Dead' fans worried as the sixth season nears its premiere date. In the comics, he meets his demise at the hand of Negan.

As the Saviors’ leader, he takes control and exercises power over Alexandria by choosing Glenn to be crushed to his death by his baseball bat named Lucille.

‘The Walking Dead’ season six is set to premiere with a special 90-minute episode on Oct. 11 on AMC.