It seems that the ‘Arrow’ season 4 trailer could be released any time soon. With the popular superhero series making a comeback in October for its new season, fans also seek to get a first look at an upgraded version of Arrow in action.

With three seasons already unfolded, lead character Oliver Queen has finally embraced his comic book roots and has turned into Green Arrow. While his new look has already been revealed online, fans are looking forward to see how actor Stephen Amell will take on his new and slightly different superhero identity.

Earlier speculations have claimed that ‘Arrow’ season four will put forward a more light-hearted, clever and amusing version of (Green) Arrow as compared to what has been shown so far.

‘Arrow’ showrunner Marc Guggenheim took to social media and posted the following message on Twitter, dropping hints for the upcoming trailer." @MericlesHappen and I just watched the rough cut of the Arrow Season 4 trailer. Oh boy... "

The show's executive producer Wendy Mericle also teased in her own tweet that the ‘Arrow’ season 4 trailer is going to break the Internet.

As to what fans expect from the upcoming footage, a ComicBook report has already shed light on the popular possibilities.

"Perhaps the trailer will reveal what force will draw Arrow back to Star City after his extended sabbatical with Felicity Smoak... or finally say the words - 'Green Arrow?'" the report stated.

Meanwhile, Guggenheim previously opened up about showing Felicity’s (Emily Bett Rickards) optimistic personality once more in the fourth season.

"The show got really, really dark last year, and I think she reacted accordingly," Guggenheim explained. "Certainly no one was more tired of the crying than Emily, but right behind Emily was the rest of us."

Nonetheless, fans can also expect to have another glimpse at the "strong, capable, funny Felicity... we know and love," the executive producer said.

However, ‘Arrow’ season four will reportedly bring on new concerns for Felity and Oliver as the couple puts their relationship to the test with the superhero returning to Starling City.

Going back into the city could mark the beginning of the obstacles to come which will reportedly put a strain on their relationship.

“We really wanted to explore the ups and downs of a traditional TV relationship, like we've established with Oliver and Felicity, and pretty much throw everything at it that we can and see if they'll make it through,” Mericle told TV Guide.

In addition, viewers will also get to see the upcoming season’s main villain - Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) and John Diggle in costume.

Based on Guggenheim's post on Twitter, and with Arrow ‘season 4’ scheduled for an official premiere on Oct. 7 on The CW, the trailer is expected to be released online anytime during the first few days of September.